1. I was in the Hospital from Tuesday until Sunday morning. Chaffing to be home mentally, but in reality,not well enough to be anywhere else. Every minute of all five days of my stay it was constant. People and medications and tests and treatments going in and out of the door, and being put in place and brought to me. Breathing treatments,and oxygen and trays of pills and liquids and food and shots and you must wear this,and don't take that off, and if you want anything, call someone and we will take care of it for you! In amongst all of that, flowers and gifts and cards and loving calls and family and friends came to wish me well,and tell me they would be praying for me,and blessings coming down that dusty road until I wasn't sure what was going on, other than the fact, That the Big Guy was definitely in total control, and I don't mean Dr. Collieflower! Yon brought me a rose bouquet, and my sister brought me a lovely flower arrangement,and Rent-a-center sent me flowers, along with the special laptop I could use for Sunday's Internet services!
2.Sunday morning was so amazing I know I cannot do it justice to try to relate all that happened, but God was on his throne, and I found Jimmy on the Cable .V. provided by the Hospital, and I laid there on my bed of pain in total shock,and drank in the most luscious programing I have ever seen, and uttered words of complete and rapturous worship and gratitude. Then My doctor came in the door,and God nodded his head,and I was given the answer to my prayers,and to others prayers,as the Doctor listened to my chest and all the rails and the bubbles that had originally put me in the hospital were GONE ! My lungs were clear, as though they had never been filling up! I was going HOME!!
3.With lightening speed, I was packed up, given tons of medications and instructions, sought after, dressed, and being trundled out to the front entrance of the Hospital there to be hailed from this one and that one as they wished me well, and hugged my neck as they came to say goodbye...so glad you made it, you were my favorite! I'm going to miss you so much! Tears and kisses and phone numbers exchanged,and finally I was in the car with all my stuff,Yon son in the drivers seat as we slowly pulled away from under the Sun-cover,out into the bright and glorious sunny noon-day of 88 degrees, all the wind you can imagine blowing as we motored sedately throughout the winding ,twisting,hilly grounds of the medical center,while one of my favorite CD's played in the car. Wind chimes. Oh, how restful. How beautiful. How perfect!And, If I had had any feelings of being shortchanged,or trepidation over the perfection of my homecoming or the full-armed bounty with which I was being carried to my bower, one by one they were dispelled as we made the rounds to collect my medications and even the machine which was to be a new delivery system for my four times a day breathing treatments. The young lady who waited upon us as we went through the drive-through pharmacy,of Yon's long standing acquaintance was as sweet and friendly as ever, but seemed distracted,and not quite as Jovial and when Yon wished her a happy mother's day as we drove away, we were both smitten with a sense of villainy, as it seemed very possible we had inflicted unintended pain on her. (Neither of us knew if she still had her mommy or not, and we didn't know if she was a mommy either .) But those poignant wonderings for and about others faded from my main focus as we approached home. I wanted to see my Garden and yard from the alley before we went in, to see if the wild-flowers we groom and tend, which pepper the yard, were in full bloom! The sweet-grasses,the chives,the riotous orange-yellow,and red blooms that spring to life all on their own in the fertile soil along the rock wall,and surrounding edges of the coddled planting areas of the Rose bushes and ferns, the Peonies and the Tulips, I had to know how they had fared since the erratic weather had receeded,and left us with such warmth and brilliance! I knew that once in the house, there would be no trips out to the garden to make that discovery/ not with my breathing in question still; and not with Yon son so tired, since he still had not had any sleep since he had worked the night before. He was barely able to keep his eyes open as it was. Without being asked or told, Yon son took the turn to the alley,and we slid slowly to the optimal spots where all of this could be easily seen and viewed. Yon cranked the air to keep me cool,and the prevent as well as possible the dust and irritants from the garden air from flooding in at my face,even as I leaned forward to see all I could see. Oh! What a golden moment! What wonders met my eyes! Jewel toned flowers from every corner of the garden dazzled me, danced in the breeze,and doffed their petals as they shimmered in the noon sun,as though they knew they were being admired, and lent even more strength,if possible,to exude even stronger fragrance wafting towards me from around my swan bird-bath! I knew I couldn't sit there long. The scent was almost overpowering,and as always, I could only think "Oh, for a camera!" For tomorrow, the show would be different, it would mostly be over, for this view. But as I looked, at each level rising towards the back door,there was a new and delicious, precious and perfect sight to behold,until, at the top-most level of the garden,along side the point where the now fully blasted tulips still clung tenaciously in the heat, Amongst the waxy deep-green of the Peonie bed, there stood one, huge, showy, fully- bloomed, lavender-pink Peonie! Just one. And just for me!
"Do you see it?" Yon said.
I nodded, too moved to speak right away.
"Yes." I said finally."Praise God. Thank You Father."
Normally, we are fortunate if we have any Peonies in bloom by Memorial day. This darling flower I looked upon as being a gift from God.
Yon did not respond, for he knew I wasn't talking to him. He only nodded and whispered amen.
Yon put the car in gear and proceeded down the alley." Once I get you settled in the house, I'll go cut it for you, if you like."
His thoughfulness was rewarded by a tear-filled smile,as we turned the corner on our red-brick street,one of the very few left in town, which I love,and I listened closely as we rumbled our way down the road, to the rare space in front of our building.Here too, God had arranged for there to be no other vehicles parked there, so that our disembarking from the car was done with greater ease than usual. Yon had bundles to carry into the house, and then to bring my wheelchair out on the ramp and to the car to put me into it, and with no other cars,trucks, or motorcycles,In the way, I was out of the car and into the front door in a matter of perhaps five minutes.
There is no other feeling quite like coming home. The longer you're gone, the more strange and yet familiar it seems. With my aversion to bright lights, I had had just about all of the sunshine I could take for a long while. Yon had arranged the house before he left. The shades were drawn, and the fans were on soft and low. It was darkened and cool, and the fans were whispering a hello to me that was instantly soothing and refreshing. I stopped squinting and my eyelids dropped a notch as I glanced around to see that he had cleaned and straightened,to the point that an involuntary coo escaped my lips. He pushed my chair to within inches of the dining room door way,in comfortable reach of the stand upon which the living-dining room fan stood.
"I'm going to lock up and put the car away." He said, turning around and heading for the front door," I'll be in, in a few..."
"Okay." I said, and I sat there.
"Feel free to move about...!" Was his parting shot. It was a line we had lifted from WKRP In Cincinnati...a little re-arranged. I was still sitting there with my 34 0z. cup of ice-water on my left knee,as is my way, with my left hand firmly draped across the top of it, and my right hand firmly clutching my cane,the rubber tip of which was riding on the right foot plate next to my right foot, and my left foot, of course, ridding the left foot plate. Ordinarily, once in the house, the foot plates are abandoned by me,flipped up out of my way,the cup and the cane both held by my left hand, and between my right hand and feet, I wheel myself around pretty good.
But I had not done much moving around on my own for several days. I had lost a lot of water weight,and energy,so I waited until Yon came in through the kitchen door and got me, and then we spent the better part of an hour getting settled in, and setting up my air and breathing treatment.
I was home,and it was beautiful to see Yon come sailing through the door with that gorgeous Pink Peonie, to add to one of my flower arrangements for Mothers day,and add that magnificent fragrance to the sweetness of my day.
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