I suppose all of us, from time to time, has had a frustrating situation with a best friend. I am no different. I prize my friendship with Sherry,not only because we have known each other for many, many years, but because our off- again, on-again paling around when we were much younger has grown into a very comfortable, and rewarding, almost family-like relationship. It's all very involved, but suffice it to say that both of us has family that are still living, but that since we don't quite see every last little detail on how we live our lives eye to eye with that family group or tie, we are barely on speaking terms, or in Sherry's case, not even on speaking terms. So, when we need to talk, it is to one another we turn, in times of celebration, or in times of trouble. Naturally, when she finds herself in favor with her daughter, and has a chance to be with her child and grandchildren, I don't expect to hear from her until I hear from her...as during the the month over the Christmas holidays! No contact, no message that she was going to be gone,she just drops out of sight,and there is no answer on her phone, she was just gone,and after a while, we both just decided,she must be with "D"! Sure enough, she finally called us,and indeed, that is exactly where she was, and what she was doing. And, she had a wonderful time, so there was no problem. I was totally delighted for her,and when she called and told us what a great time she had with her daughter and grandkids, all I could do was to praise God, and tell her how happy I was for her that during the holidays, that connection was healed,and she had a chance to be with that side of her family, if only for a short while. And even though it bothered me for a time when I could not reach her, I most certainly did not bring it up to her, or give her any grief over it. That would not have been the loving thing to do. It would have ruined what I am sure was a perfect moment to look back upon,and I could not do that to someone whom I love.
Yet, now, once again, reaching Sherry is almost impossible. And, again, I know why. Her next door neighbor, whom has been so dependent upon Sherry for the last twenty years, that now that she had broken her foot,and needs almost constant care, Sherry is doing the right thing by her friend,and is pitching in to walk the woman's dog, take her to the doctor, and go to the store for her, and I am sure she also spends most of her evenings at her side, watching television with her, so the old soul doesn't feel so alone. Just because she is also an aggravating, mean, opinionated, abrasive and foul mouthed old sot,and hasn't spoken a kind word to Sherry in several years, does not make her any less a human being with needs. It does, however, make it more difficult to keep reminding myself that God loves her just as much as he loves me,or Sherry, or Yon son, or my darling daughter-in-law. Okay,now you are definitely seeing the darker side of me. I don't like this whole set-up,with poor Sherry caught in the middle, needing to rest and take care of her own self, and yet running over next door several times a day to walk the dog, feed the dog, fetch medications and run other errands, when Sherry went out of her way to set up a "homemaker" service to come in several times a week to do those very things, but that woman won't allow them to do half of what needs to be done. She would rather lean rather heavily upon my best buddy to do them, knowing all the while that Sherry has all sorts of serious medical problems,and deserves to be relieved of stress, not more put upon her! Now, Sherry and I have talked this problem out, many times. It is more than obvious to us both that this woman would like nothing better than to see to it that Sherry has no other friends than just herself,so the more of Sherry's time and attention she can command, the better she likes it. However, at the same time, when Sherry takes her to the doctor, or the Orthopedist, or the eye specialist....or almost any other public situation, that is when this woman is at her worst! All Sherry has to do, is to be her own thoughtful self, trying to brace the wheelchair, or move the footplate out of this woman's way, so she doesn't stumble and fall again, and Sherry is in for a barrage of name-calling and put downs, screaming at the top of her not-so-inconsiderable voice! And in the face of this embarrassing scene, what does Sherry do? NOTHING! It is enough to send me to the moon to imagine tolerating even one moment of that treatment! I would be gone like a shot, and that" lkru&%hejehf" would find her own way from then on...but Sherry has the patience of Job,and just plods along, putting up with it!! Mmm! A sanctified Saint of God! Living proof, that God never puts more on us than we can bare! The Lord knew what he was doing, for sure, when he put that woman around Sherry's neck,and not mine! Which, I must admit,bothers me even more when all this time goes by,and she is completely out of touch. Not just because I am trying to make plans for wifey-poo's birthday celebration, which Sherry wants to be involved with, but because I know what is going on is going to effect Sherry's health adversely,and I further have to admit that this is all selfishness on my part. See, I want to keep Sherry around for just as long as possible. You know? As in, Physically alive? But that woman doesn't care if Sherry's lack of sleep,and increased activity and stress makes her bad heart go haywire, or causes a stroke, or whatever,she just wants what she wants, when she wants it,and she wants Sherry to do it all for her!
And the worst part of this whole thing is, this woman she is taking care of, is the major reason we began having Sherry over at least once a week to have dinner,and bible study,and play games or watch a movie or whatever, just so she could get away from that woman for one night a week! We had even talked it all out,and proven to Sherry that the time away from that woman was the reason she could calm down,and relax,and wouldn't it be wise to sever ties with her, and allow herself to have a quiet, restful, tranquil home once again, without that constant badgering that that woman goes on with! We had just convinced her she could say "NO!" and things were going along so much better, when this nit-wit stumbles across Sherry's fan cord,and breaks her foot! How convenient!
But, I know this much. Our get togethers every week were wonderful, looked forward to by all of us,and brought us all closer to the Lord. Sherry grew spiritually and found physical healing, not only by being out of the house, but more importantly, by being given a deeper understanding of her faith,and being more firmly grounded in the word of God,probably all orchestrated by the Lord, in order to give her the strength to withstand this latest trial. Interestingly enough,tonight Sherry did call,and it was just as I said it was, and there was even some mention of a difference in that woman. She is talking about God, and has taken to watching some preaching and teaching shows on television all on her own.
So, once again, God will use, whom,and what he will use!
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