Well, I really don't think it's because people are rushing out, pursuing applications. In fact, from the volume of credit card offers I get in the mail each and every day, I would say the credit card companies, even while they are ,in effect, decrying the amount of debt mounting up in this country, are pushing the pre-approved "envelopes" into our hands. It's like they are saying,since you have such a good credit rating, we thought we would tempt you beyond your ability to resist, to go beyond what you can pay for.Unfortunately, too many fall to their blandishments.And all the commercials to the contrary don't make any difference to most. Even those cute ones that are the image of the victim of credit card identity theft, with the perpetrators voice coming out of them, don't seem to be making an impact.Perhaps they are "too cute". I particularly enjoy the one of the man, with the girl's voice talking about her spending spree, with his credit card," ...a leather bustier. Anyway, it's not like I'm paying for it!" giggle, giggle. Now, that's terrible, isn't it? And all the while, we are talking about a serious, life altering problem, where people with credit cards, with good credit because they manage their money, and pay their bills on time, are being targeted by unscrupulous thieves! I know it's to make a point, but by now I think the point not only has been lost, but may have even gone over to the other side,and are being encouragement to the credit card thief! So, this is my bit, to help you to resist the next credit card offer, or to help you to prevent credit card identity theft. The next time you find a pre-approved offer in your mail, no matter what the letter says, what it is really saying is, " WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO GO EVEN FURTHER INTO DEBT!" If you feel compelled to read it anyway, then be thorough! Read the APR, the ANNUAL FEES, the MINIMUM FINANCE CHARGES. Hint.If there is even .50 cent mfc, throw it away...AFTER YOU TEAR IT UP, AND CUT UP THE MOCK CARD! Be wiley! Be careful. It's your money, and there are all sorts out there that want to separate you from it, don't let them!
This is just another way of being a good steward of the money that the Good Lord has seen fit to put into your hands.Use it wisely. God bless you.
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