At the risk of repeating myself, today was another beautiful, wonderful, blessed Sunday.It started out as any normal day. I had worked on my writing all night, so I was caught up in that, lost track of the time, and was taken by surprise when I heard the kitchen door open, and Yon son called, Good morning, honey! He came into the dinning room, laden with goodies and all sorts of interesting news. He had been top dog again last night! Praise God! Not only that. but his tips were good too. How wonderful! He had my cocoa, and the Sunday paper, and something I haven't had for ever so long. An enormous Blueberry muffin. Oh! Well, I wound up what I was working on, and wheeled away from the desk quite speedily then, and we adjourned to the kitchen, where he made my coffee, and I ran my blood sugar. It was LOW! I gave him my biggest grin, and he said, does that mean you can have the muffin? I didn't need to answer. He knows me so well. I began decanting my medications, and he began cooking breakfast, sausages (which is also something I haven't had for a while) eggs, toast, and set out the creamer for my coffee, and the almost butter, for my toast and muffin.I have found out that my medication works best if I begin my breakfast with protein, so I controlled myself, took a couple bites of eggs and sausage, before the downing of all those pills, and lots of water.We chatted while I ate as much as I could of the protein, and then I unwrapped the muffin, and the aroma was amazing! He had a couple of really bad trips overnight, one was a runoff, which he has to pay for, but, the Lord is not caught by surprise, even if we are, and the very next trip was an extra good tipper,and such a blessing.If I remember correctly, they had church in the cab...situation normal, and they sang gospel songs and praised the Lord,and as is not uncommon, he was told, " this is the best cab ride I have ever had!" Long story short...(too late!)..I kept thinking I would have to say all I could think of that I wanted to say to him, because he would be leaving soon, and then...he told me that his wife has already left for her next run.So, he stayed with me today, but I knew he wouldn't be awake long. He worked 18 hours yesterday, dispatching the first half, and driving the second half, after only five hours sleep. Thank God the joy of the Lord is his strength! Anyway, we watched a video that depicted the Crucifixion, and it brought us both to happy /sad tears, then he kissed me, and went to bed, and I logged on to have church. Church today was Fabulous! The music was just another little piece of heaven on earth,and I was reminded that today was the first Sunday of the month, so I had to scramble to get my bread and "wine"...which, since I had no grape juice in the house, turned out to be a bottle of black cherry soda...I don't think the Lord minded you? But, I got it all together, and was back in plenty of time to take my time to pour the soda, and then as Jimmy said the blessing, I broke my bread(just a corner of a donut son had brought me) along with everyone else, and sipped my "wine". I had an indescribable feeling of peace and comfort and love come over me,because I was one with that congregation, and I didn't look upon the Lord's supper as a piece of donut and a sip of soda, it WAS the humble bread and wine, the body of Christ,and the blood of Christ, shed for me on Calvary in the new and everlasting covenant.What a holy moment. I was there, and yet, I was here.And God was there, and was here. I could feel his presence,and it did not leave.Then Jimmy prayed for us who needed healing, and I felt the Holy Spirit working in me. My pain was lessened, and I was filled with an incredible lightness of being,and that did not leave me either! As the resurrection choir got up to sing, it only intensified.All the songs spoke to my heart,and I wanted it to go on and on! But then, Jimmy got up to preach, and OH! What a joy! What a delight! What a blessing! I saw Jesus! No, not in the flesh, but Jimmy opens up the word of God in such a way, that if you Love God, it thrills your soul! It never fails. When he says, "If you have your Bibles with you today, turn with me please to the book of Genesis 28 verse 11",and he reads the scriptural basis for his message, it is music to my ears.
Now, I had been up all night. Church didn't even start until 10 a.m. and by this time, I should have been nodding off, but NO! I was shouting and praising God, being blessed and encouraged and thrilled and invigorated, and I was wide awake, and loving every minute of it! He preached until right at 12 o'clock. When he gave the altar call, I wanted to go right through that computer screen! That was my morning. As soon as the service was over, I sent them an email, and then shut down the computer,and went to nest...or to bed..if you insist. Slept like a baby,until Yon son woke me, and said, It's 5 o'clock. I have to leave in an hour...and church will be starting then too. I'm cooking the squash and the chicken. I thought you might want to get up and run your blood sugar and stuff..." He helped me out of bed, and into my chair, and whizzed me right in to see Mrs. Murphy. By the time I got done with that, My blood sugar kit was at my place at the table, and I ran it thinking about the muffin, and the pop,and the bite of donut....but it was nice and low! Praise God.And we talked while son cooked, and he sang "the midnight cry" for me,and then I think he did some of " God on the Mountain" too, or perhaps, I was just thinking of that wonderful song while considering all the blessings my day had been filled with so far.Dinner was delicious, and of course, I had another gang of pills to take with that. And then son had to go, and I had church again, and this time Donnie preached, and it was wonderful too. In fact, I think he preached the best he ever has. By the time he was done, he was in tears, I was in tears,and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house, but it was all because of the moving and operation of the Holy Spirit.
At roughly Eight was ended, and I went into the kitchen to see if my British mystery was on PBS.I watched that, and the two Brit Com's that come on after it, and then went back to the computer. I've been here ever since, and it's just 5:11 a.m. Yon son should be here in about an hour,and then we'll have breakfast, and then it will be time for lights out. Yeah! It's been a beautiful Sunday! I hope your Sunday was half as fulfilling and wonderful and blessed as mine. God bless you!
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