When I got up today, I was thinking about family get-togethers,and how my sister and the rest of her family...well, my family too,but...her children,and grandkids must be having a wonderful time today. And I admit to certain feelings of nostalgia. Recalling years past when the whole family would be invited to my sister's house for food and fun, and just general catching up...all the cousins having a chance to play together, while we adults had time to chat and marvel at how like "family" our grown nieces and nephews were. For a while I allowed myself to feel left out, even though there was no reason to. If I could have made the trip, I am certain I would have been welcome. But even so, I knew without asking that none of my nieces or nephews homes would be wheelchair accessible,so it was more a question of logistics than anything else that prevented me. And then I short-circuited that particular spate of self-pity,by reminding myself just how "delightful" I find most picnics and cook-outs. I love the food,and the company, don't get me wrong. But Summer weather is only my dish of tea if there is swimming involved. I suffer in the heat. Sunlight means slathering myself in the highest sunblock available,and it still brings out my freckles. If I have no air conditioning available, the bathtub is filled with cool water, in which I douse myself several times a day,hair, clothes and all, and as soon as I am dry, it's off to the bathtub again. In that mode I am not fit for mixed company,because I wear long tee shirts,and short shorts,in the thinnest material possible. If yon son happens to be home,and awake, I exit the bathroom with the cry "No Peaking! No Peaking!" While I rush past him, to Plant myself in front of the first available fan. And it's no joke, either! If he didn't instantly avert his eyes...(Of course, he always does...) there would be a war! I know some families have no problem with semi-nudity,and sheer clothing between parent and child,but this is not one of them! So, for me to be completely happy in the summertime, I need to be able to cuddle up to a fine, powerful air conditioner,and make sure there is a big fan in every room. In addition, I only venture out after dark, in the cool of the evening, or on an overcast day, when the temperature is 74 degrees or below,and with low humidity...or in the rain. And, when I do go out, I wear knee-length pants,and light weight shirts with at least three-quarter length sleeves. Well, after all. I spent my youth doing all that swimming, and building up life-guard muscles. Now, some folks may find that attractive, but I do not. Therefore, I have no intention of showing off my muscular arms and legs. For all you former bay-watch watchers,who drool at the astonishing figures of the women who pretended to be life-guards,it may come as a shock to you that they were in actuality completely bogus for them to have sported slim arms and legs,and defied rip tides, currants and go from shore to drowning victims,and hauled them back alive to the sand. To have that kind of strength, one must build up rather impressive muscles, which don't look good once they are no longer kept toned up. Men can get by with it a whole lot better than women can. So, that puts me outdoors at a picnic table, with covered arms and legs, wearing sunscreen, and a big floppy hat to shade my face, a hand fan to dry the sweat from my face,and then, there are the bugs. Flies. Bees. Wasps. All manner of flying beasties, who for some reason love me,(I think it's my perfume) and I detest them all! In fact, I am allergic to bees!
So,given all these different aspects of the joys of summer get-togethers, perhaps it is just as well that I have some fond memories of times past,and let it go at that.
Happy fourth of July,and I hope you have a wonderful summer of cook-outs and picnics!
I know I will....right here next to my air conditioner, surrounded by fans and with screen doors keeping the flies out, and with windows to look through!