For three days now, the lightening has been flashing, and the thunder rolling, and rain has been falling. Some times torrential downpours, but only very briefly. Last night, all night long, I sat for hours, listening and watching out my windows at the storm. It was soft showers that turned the sky lavender and made the streets look like shiny licorice. The garden birdbath turned into a gently trickling fountain that watered the rosebushes.Thunder usually scares the cat, but Molly wasn't bothered at all by the grumbling that rolled across the heavens tonight.These last days everyone has been complaining about the constant moisture and humidity keeping them from the beaches, riverside, and pools,yet I feel it is such a shame they cannot see the beauty of it,or hear the music of the rain. When the wind picks up a bit, it spatters the raindrops against the screens of my windows, and they cling to them in big droplets, shimmering like diamonds. Around the windows the rain runs down the ivy in sheets,green sparkling waterfalls that end in foaming pools,that stray cats come and drink from,quickly,then melt back to the dark shelter of the bushes and undergrowth lining the wall. Thunder rolls again, and I lean back and close my eyes, listening to the rain as it picks up once more, accompanied by Wagner,softly playing on the television,and then the music changes to Vivaldi, as the storm ebbs and flows around me and it's as though nature is speaking to my spirit. God is saying, this is the way I heal the earth. I clean the air. I nourish the soil. I water my garden,and move the topsoil around. This is another act of love, there for your to revel in, if only you have the wit to enjoy it.
Posted by: Oldcatman | July 20, 2007 at 12:32 PM