Oh,I'm going to get razzed for this one, but then,stranger things have occurred to me at 3 a.m.! So, here goes.I know I have made it abundantly clear that I have church three times a week,and I watch late night talk shows. Namely, Jay Leno, for his wit, Headlines,and Jay walking: and Craig Ferguson for his honest wit, and things like, "Welcome back, my naughty little donkeys!" and the sound of a whip cracking!
At first glance, you would think that late night talk shows and church have nothing in common. But if you pick it apart, you will find there is more alike than you thought.
The warm up, while you are coming into church and getting settled, is music that brings you into the presence of the Lord. It puts you into the mood to receive his word.
The warm up for the late night talk show is done off camera, before they are on the air, but the purpose is the same. They tell those gathered there what is expected of them when the cameras are rolling ,and though the majority of the words that will be spread are foolishness,there is that kernel of truth,but with a spin of fun in it; but sometimes the spin is the truth, and can be deadly serious.
Then, the main speaker comes out. All eyes are on him, and he holds the audience in rapt attention. He speaks of daily life,and uses examples of current affairs that help you to understand more fully what is really happening. Sometimes you laugh, and sometimes you are saddened by what is said,but usually by the time he is finished, your spirits are lifted.
Then, the talk show takes a commercial break, and the church takes the tithes and offerings. You go to the kitchen for a snack,and the church has the communion, or the Lord's supper.
Then the show or the service resumes, and the talk show has their guests to come out and talk. Those who are promoting their new movie have clips, and talk about exciting things that happened on the set.
The church has those who wish to come up and testify, of healing, deliverance, or a miracle of salvation. Visiting missionaries come and talk about the places they have been,and sometimes they have films or clips from far away places,and pictures of churches they have helped to build,and even bring people with them who were pagans when they arrived,and got saved and are now preachers or missionaries themselves.
And finally, both end the experience with the "Special Song".
However, the difference here is, the song is the closing of the show, but in church, the song draws those who need prayer to the altar.
Anyone drawn to the singer when the talk show is ended usually just gets an autograph, if they are lucky,and that is the end of it. I might recall a joke, or a line that was funny, but for the most part, it was just time filled, until the next show.
But when you are drawn to the altar,and you kneel in prayer,and you are sincere, you make a connection. There is a timelessness about that touch from God, that nothing can duplicate. No matter what you have to say to the Lord,he is there, and he is listening,and if you are open to him,you can't help but get up with a feeling of peace and serenity,and an innate sense that everything is going to work out alright.
And so, although the formats seem to be quite similar, I guess that is the real difference. I am fond of Jay and Craig. They both seem like decent men, and for the most part, I enjoy hearing what they have to say,but when they are done, I don't feel as though I have learned anything.
But I Love God, and Love hearing a spirit-filled preacher saying,"If you have your bibles,open with me please to...; and he opens up the word of God,and makes the time you are studying come alive! These were real people,and God interacted with them,and it was all written down so that we would be able to understand that what was done with them were to be used as examples for us to bring us knowledge, thus helping us to make good choices in our daily lives. Time spent in a church like that helps you to come away with a feeling that you have learned something to make your life happier,and that is never a waste of time.
Most of us may never go before the Judge that jailed Paris Hilton...twice.
But all of us will go before THE JUDGE,and have to make account for our lives,and how we spent the gift of life that he gave us. I for one am glad that I understand that he is the same, yesterday, today,and forever,and if I repent of my sins,and ask forgiveness, he is faithful and just to forgive. To some, eternity is the unknown,and I don't blame them for being frightened of death. That's why I want to learn all I can about the Lord,and what to expect, because knowledge is power.
And from all I have learned, heaven is a beautiful place.