A night or two ago,Brian Williams of NBC did a piece on fireflies, or what has always been known as lightening bugs here in the Midwest. According to him,they are another small insect that is disappearing from our environment. Since he and some experts claim this is the case, they had one or two of the glowing creatures captive in two hands, held loosely,protectively, on camera, outside in the dark,for children who supposedly had never had the opportunity to see them, and the tone suggested that they never would.
So tonight about twilight, I took occasion to look out my backdoor, to see if the solar powered lights that illuminate the walkway were lit up yet,and since it was not completely dark, they only glimmered softly, but were not up to full power yet. But the sight that met my eyes reminded me of that story,and made me smile. The entire garden was filled with dozens of what looked like tiny stars come to earth, sailing about, flashing their little lights, so that the whole yard sparkled with them.
So, you can rest easy about the fireflies. If you live in an area where the lights are too bright for them to appear, like New York, or Vegas, or Los Angeles; take a little trip to the Midwest,where you can drive down residential streets and see block after block after block of yards filled with lightening bugs. Where you can roll down the windows of the car and smell the fresh scent of new mown lawns, and see children still chasing the tiny flashing points of light with delight, in places where true darkness still falls.