How would you like to get a check in the mail, and cash it, today! Hundreds,maybe thousands of people just like you and me are getting them, and you could too! Of course, there is one catch to your having received one of these checks. It's not a check at all, but a sales marketing campaign to bring in new loan applications. But they make it sound oh so wonderful, "It's your opportunity for a fresh start" and,"could solve all your problems" What they fail to mention is that this could be a way of getting even further into debt than you ever dreamed possible,and if you are already low or fixed income, but struggling to keep your credit card payments current,this check could ruin you for years to come.
This is the kind of thing that makes me angry, because they don't care about you, even though they give you that impression. All they care about is to get another person to sign on the dotted line, and bring in more money.
Now, I wouldn't fall for this ploy, because everything that comes into my house is viewed with a jaundiced eye, and scrutinized carefully for any possibility that it might be a scam. But what about persons who don't ? What about someone who gets this "check" in the mail and takes it at face value,and runs off to the local office, to take them up on their offer?
Well, I'm here to tell you to read those fake checks, and all other such "Offers" word for word,and then, read it again. And, if you didn't ask for a loan, be very, very suspicious.
Watch out! Not everybody is going to tell you the truth,and not everybody is your friend!