What a lovely night! Of course, I am being sarcastic. This has not been one of my best days. I have felt it in my bones that rain was coming for two days, so that right there set me in a basically "good mood." I was pryed out of my bed at 7:30 to have breakfast, two hours later than pill time this morning,and I was a grouch from the word go...or Up! It was a hot day, so Yon had the Air cranked up as high as it would go,and that was fine, until he cooked breakfast,and then kissed me goodnight, and went to bed,as I was taking my pills and eating my eggs. Now, in case I haven't mentioned it before, we have a slight problem. I cannot go back to bed until my medications have been ingested,and my food settles. All of this takes at least an hour. By that time, Yon is snoring,and once he is snoring it takes something earth-shattering such as me hitting the floor, or screaming his name hundreds of times to wake him back up, and for the most part, I need his help to get back into bed. I can manage it if I have to, but it is difficult and painful without him. Which set me off immediately. Of course he needs to get to sleep fairly soon once he is off work and home, but an extra hour isn't going to ruin his days sleep! But I let it go,and I wound up doing what I usually do in that case. I fell asleep at the table. So when I woke up about noon, I finally made my way to bed, after unkinking my back,and taking another pain pill, and taking a breathing treatment, I got to sleep about two; and was cheerfully awakened two hours later by guess who, all bright eyed and bushy-tailed! "Time for Jeopardy!" said he, and what shall we have for dinner?" I said left-overs, he said steak, so we compromised, and I had left-over salad,and he cooked steak on the grill. Once he left for work, I couldn't go back to bed, because tonight was Bible -study night, and I am so glad I was able to stay up for it, because it was really very good,and uplifting,and the Lord touched my back pain enough to ease it so that I had to fight to stay wake...proving once again that God does have a sense of humor! But, by the time it was over, it was almost 9 o'clock ,and evening pill time is 10 o'clock...but I went ahead and shut the computer down and stuffed myself into bed, for a breathing treatment, and hopefully a small nap, and for once, no such luck. By the time I got back up, and took my pills and had my snack, the computer told me it was down to 65 degrees,and the air was still blasting cold air,and I was starting to turn blue and shiver. Now this year we again have two air conditioners. One in the bedroom, so the heat doesn't keep me awake and drive me out of the bedroom the minute I am awake,and the big new one that we put in the living room window, that is powerful enough to keep the whole rest of the house cool. So, I waited a little while, and sure enough, Yon came to check on me, and ran to the store very quickly, but two things occurred,which I had not anticipated. One, I gave him the wrong card, so I will probably have an overage of about $5...Lord only knows what they'll charge me for that! And two, I neglected to ask him to shut down the big machine! Horrors! Well, there wasn't much I could do about the card at this time of night, but somehow I had to get to the Air conditioner. Now, Yon takes things up as though nothing else existed,and this spring, he is into body building. So there is a rowing machine, bar-bells,weights and all manner of oddities strung all over the living room. The kitchen and dining-room are pretty clear for my wheelchair, with the exception of my air hose that is currently following me everywhere,and the path to the living room is filled with odd chairs that one can't just shove out of the way easily. Not that we have to kick a path filled with a lot of junk, but there are cat toys, and a couple of carpet sweepers shoved against the wall, and foot-stools, that just don't quite leave clearance for my wheelchair. So going into the living room, it's slow going, because one must make it around all that stuff, clean to the front door to turn on the overhead light.Then I had to retrace part of my path to back up around the rowing machine, and then lean forward on another footstool, while sitting on my chair, but almost laying on the footstool in order to keep from falling out of my chair.Sort of tricky when your facing the icy breath of the monster your attempting to kill! Then, there is the sheer cold blast of air that one must see past in order to decipher the controls. I had never seen this machine before....as I said, it is brand new...one knob was the on and off,and the other was the temperature setting ,and squinting into the blizzard I was almost blind!..so I just reached blindly and twiddled both until everything shut down!
Once that was done, I sat back, relieved and just breathed in and out for a few moments,as the aching in my back subsided,and then backed up around the rowing machine, and wheeled my way to the light switch. It was only after I flipped it off, that the horrible reality came clear to me. As awful as to trip into the living room and through the dining room had been, it was going to be doubly difficult to make it out, because there was no way I would be able to turn around! With my messed up aching back and the restrictions of no twisting of my neck and back , I was going to have to back out around everything just as I had come in! Only this time, I had extra added fun! I had the hose behind me to run over, again and again and again, while the oxygen was on my nose,and I heard something fall. I admit, I turned to see what it was,and it was a pole that Yon uses to tease the cat with. It's long and sturdy, and he attaches cute little toys to it that she loves to pounce upon. Three times I took aim at the doorway, that if someone would move all the stuff out of it, it would be easy to get through, however, since I rarely go there, things have a way of collecting! But at long last, I got that pole between my wheels, then between my feet,and slid the thing along out of my way...and just in time too, for Molly was gathering her haunches to spring and pounce...and since her toys are strung all over the rug that lives there, I shudder to think at what she would have jumped, had I not cleared the area, were I a bit slower!
And now, it's raining. In fact, we're supposed to have thunder-boomer's all week-end!
And my back is telling me it's true!
What a lovely,lovely day!