All up and down the block,every day this week, we have had distinct indications that our neighbors have been grilling out.It's like they have to put in some practice time, just in case they forgot how to do the brats driving in the snow, they may have had a lapse in memory! Earlier in the week, when it was all warm and sunny, and everybody had their windows open, it was sort of nice to smell the fragrance of the coals,and the hot dogs or ribs or burgers and the barbecue sauce. Then again, it was getting a bit annoying. Who wants to smell that stuff,and have their mouth watering for a hot dog, when we are sitting down to salad,broiled chicken breast and spinach? For me, having all that in advance has a tendency to ruin my appetite for it.I mean, I love home-made potato salad, and sweet-corn on the cob and butter, and hot dogs and burgers, but I certainly wouldn't want it every day! And the parades,and patriotic musical shows on television, and the fireworks,and lighted boat caravans down the river are all wonderful, but they wouldn't be as impressive if the city fathers decided to have them night after night!