In case you haven't noticed, I 've skipped posting a day or two...ha,ha,ha! It's been a long while,but I have a perfect excuse. I been sick.
Okay, I thought I was dying. Could have been Asthma...or P-monia,but I was stubborn, as usual,and didn't want to leave my abode. I didn't want to go to the hospital,and be uncomfortable. I would not listen to yon son as he pleaded with me to go,even though he is the one person on the face of the earth that I love most, in this I was being terribly selfish.Please son,forgive me.
I still don't know If I'll live through this,but after seeing the anguish in those beautiful brown eyes of yours ,if I had it do over again, I would have taken better care of myself ,so we would have had more time together.But it was more important to me to get stuff done,than to consider the length of my life.
And yet,even as I write this,I'm doing it again.I've been advised to have another test,which I am ardently trying to talk my way out of!
Man is ever perverse. But,I have reason to praise the Lord,because the tape that Yon son brought up to me in my walkman was the very one I needed to hear, to help me make the descion.
Are you confused yet?
I know I am!!