Well, praise the Lord! Once again we are visited with blessings in disguise!Through a schedule change...7 to 7 instead of 6 to 6,(Yon's)...and two new medications,(mine) all at once...or is it cumulative?...between having to run to visit Mrs. Murphy every few minutes,and struggling to stay awake from the side effect of the meds for my neuropathy,And sleeping on a brick instead of my water-bed, I am finding myself unable to sleep as well as before. No, make that three new meds. I also now have a stronger inhaler, which I know contributes to being more wakeful. No, I am not complaining. To every part of these things, there are good sides,as far as I am concerned, however, Yon is stressing over them. I am getting more done. Like today, I did three loads of laundry. Okay, it was only one load,which I have to admit was started by Yon, just before he went to bed. I asked him to set it up,and start it for me, because, after all, half of it was his things, but I needed to get my nightgown, and jammie bottoms done too, and then there were the tea towels and washcloths,and my slippers in there as well. Just a few little odds and ends that have been nagging at me to get washed. Unbeknownst to me, his "half" of the load was way over half,and should have been run alone. Yet, fair is fair,and his clothes were in the washer first, and so he just jammed my stuff in on top, did the settings, lifted the products up to where I could reach them,and kissed me and went on to his room. All I had to do, was add the laundry soap, and the laundry soap with non-chlorine bleach, and the fabric softener,close the lid and push start....and stay up until it was done, so I could get the dryer started. It sounds easy. It wasn't. I had already been up for hours,and we had just had a splendid breakfast. I was on the cusp of digging through the cupboard for toothpicks to prop my eyelids open already. In addition, we had one of those, "straighten-up-before-the-landlord-comes-over-in-ten-minutes!" drills. Not that he would have minded, because it really wasn't that bad, but I would have minded to have him come in and see wet shoes and umbrella on the doormat,and Yon son's coat on the back of the kitchen chair,his shirt on the floor, having fallen from the back of the other chair,and his socks on the floor under the table,and other effects sprinkled liberally about the house,like so much confetti. Long story short, (too late!) Fast Freddie showed up promptly, had coffee with us, cashed my check,and I paid the rent. All at my behest, please note. The man's a sweetheart. Not every landlord will come pelting over to your place when you call, to do you such a tremendous favor month after month,and then joke with you and laugh when you have inconvenienced him. But, by the time it was all over, I was far depleted in my recuperative powers. So, after dozing through the washer cycle, I was less than thrilled to see that the washer had been so over-filled that my clothes were not done to my satisfaction. Now I had a choice. To start the dryer,and wait until Yon's clothes were dry, or to run my half again. I can't run both at the same time, or I'll blow a circuit breaker. That's just the way it is.Admittedly, it's not much of a choice, but it is a choice.So, I started the dryer while I picked through my washer,deciding which things I could live with the way they were,and which things would have to be washed again. I found one pair of Yon's white socks and one wash-cloth that were snowy white, and everything else went back for another go. By that time, the dryer had run about 25 minutes, so I didn't feel a bit bad about shutting it down, and staring my load again. At this point, some would say I should have gone to bed, but had I done that, the washer would have stopped, and there would be no one there to put my clothes in the dryer, and start it, so that neither Yon or I would have dry clothes. I didn't see anyone else jumping up and offering to do it, so, being the mommy, I sat back to the table,and turned on the DVD I'd dozed through before. This time I took a vitamin B-12, and poured myself another cup of decaf.Thirty-five minutes later, I put my glasses back on, wiped the drool from my chin, and roused myself enough to turn on the dryer,and pick through my wash again. Better, but no cigar. I still insist that my jammies have got to be pink and white, not pink and grey,even if it is a soft grey. One more time, the dryer was stopped,and the washer was started, and I came away from my visit with Mrs.Murphy just in time to catch the hooting of my bird clock! To the uninitiated, that is twelve O'clock,so I ran my blood sugar(49) only vaguely aware that I was already far into an insulin reaction! Shaking and fumbling I took my mid-day blood pressure pill,and got a glass of orange juice,but being disoriented, it took me a few minutes to get a Slim-Fast oatmeal-raisin bar, and I came () that close to taking a Glucophage! One does not think straight when in the middle of one of those events, obviously, or it never would have crossed my mind to take my oral diabetic medication! But, praise the Lord, he stopped me, or I would not be here to write this blog! Well, that kind of woke me up enough to keep me from falling asleep again,and this time, when the washer shut off, it was time to start the dryer,and also, happily, for me to leave the kitchen and that infernal machine that kept putting me to sleep! I would be soundly alerted when the dryer shut off, it has the most terrible buzzer! So now, I could log onto the computer,and do something that might keep my attention, at least until the dryer shut off. Then, I could take Yon's things out of the dryer,and put my things in,and finally go to bed.That was the plan. Unfortunately, Yon got up about two minutes before the buzzer went off. I say unfortunately, because it was quiet in here,and I was almost finished with what I was working on, and getting drowsy again, when all of a sudden, here he comes. "Hi!" He grins, on goes the light and fan in the kitchen, on goes the radio, the buzzer sounds, he opens, and then closes the dryer,and starts it up again, and then Molly is mewing around,and he's hustling through the house, going to the front door, checking the mail, and chirps to me that thing he has been watching for has arrived, and then he asks, "What do you want for dinner?" And it hits me. It is way, way too late for me to take a nap before dinner.
Now I have absolutely no interest in dinner. However, Yon and I have too little time to spend together as it is. He works 12 or more hours a night, and while he is here, most of the time, he is sleeping. We love each others company. So, I stay up. We ate, something. I had a bite of this,and a bite of that.Only because my blood sugar was still low,and I had more medications I had to take.Besides that, I had to set up the tape, so I could tape the Gaithers. So, the Show started,and I recorded it, and got so engrossed in all the glorious gospel music, I stayed up to watch it. Well, then Yon began to sing too, and nothing thrills my heart and soul like that combination, Unless guess who is preaching, so I couldn't go to bed then.
Now, repeatedly throughout the dinner, and before, and after, Yon looked at me with evident concern on his face and said, Mom? Wouldn't you like me to help you into bed? Well, so finally I said, yes, and he pushed me into my room and helped me get settled.For an hour or more I tried to relax and find a comfortable position, but I just couldn't. Then, Yon went to take a nap before he went to work, and I just knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep, knowing how unreliable his alarm clock is. Before I knew it, he was at my bedroom door, saying he had overslept,and I had apparently dozed off, finally too. So, I got up, and we each had a bowl of cereal, and he left for work before I even had the Cheerios in the bowl.As a special deal, Yon dispatched tonight, as a favor to a co-worker, and so after I knew he was on the Mic, I got this idea,and called him. Once I had established he wasn't busy, he asked if I was about to go to bed. and I said," No. You know, I have been up so long now, that I just thought I would stay up! I think I've caught my second wind!" I said. Now, I don't know if he was aware that it was after midnight or not, but he was upset!"Oh, Mom!" He sputtered," Honey, you've got to get some rest! It's not good for you..."
And I said, " April Fool!"
I got him! I got him good! I've never been able to do that before and did we laugh!
Then, he could hardly contain himself, trying to think of someone he could call and catch too!
Sometimes the best jokes,are the ones that are real.
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