I followed a referrer back, and this was the question."Three's company, where are they now?" Whoever you are,you must have been out of touch for a very long time.
Well, sorry to say, the answer is not a happy one. John Ritter (Jack)had a heart attack and died just as he was about to launch his new sit-com about two years ago. Then, this last past year,( Mr. Furley) Don Knotts, passed away from a breathing problem, he was 81. Susan Summers(Crissy Snow) is still alive and was seeming to do well until just a couple of weeks ago, when her whole house burned to the ground, with all her possessions.Joyce DeWitt of “Three’s Company” pops up in a knowing cameo in a Canadain play called "The twitch" recently. Beyond that, I have no further info on her, where she is, or what she is doing.
So, if you have recently latched onto a set of DVD's or VHS tapes with "Three's Company", enjoy it, because there won't be anymore with the original cast. And, now you know the rest of the story....