1.Through far-off rumblings, coming at me through the clouds, as I was flying, lazily, my wings spread out to catch every stray breeze, I heard;" Wake up, mom." It was his gentle and loving, non-urgent, happy voice,so I admit I took the time to wake up slowly,landing in the garden as it was last summer,and then running lightly up the back stairs, to stretch luxuriously,and then finally, as the mists of the clouds and fog slowly ebbed away, I opened my eyes. I smelled coffee. He came to the bed-side then, and offered his hand to help me up,"I've got breakfast all ready for you. I'll even cook you pancakes!" What a nice way to wake up!
2.Even as he put me in my chair,and wheeled me towards the kitchen, I could smell not only the coffee, but also the rain.He confirmed that it had been raining, almost all night." How was your night?" As he pushed me to the table,he told me all about it. "Things really picked up after midnight. I had a really good night." Then he told me some stories, things that customers did and said that made them memorable. One guy had to be convinced to come back to the car, by Yon actually having to lean out of the cab, and wave money at him! It seems that he and his wife were so intent upon being home, that when Yon waved at him the first time, all the man did was to wave back, and go on about fitting the key into the lock of the front door. Most men would have shrugged it off,and given up, but Yon isn't most men. No, he didn't bellow as he wanted to, but in a voice that carried, but not loud enough to wake the neighbors he yelled,"Sir! Here's the $50 dollar bill you left on the back seat!" He laughed and said, "It's amazing how fast an older fella can move after a statement like that!" The man said, "Thank you!But I wouldn't have known where it went. Why did you go so far out of your way to give it back to me?" Yon just smiled and told him," I'm an honest man, sir. You'd already paid for you ride,and tipped me besides. Giving you your money that you dropped was just the right thing to do." After that happened, I had a wonderful night!" About that time, the sun came out and shone so brightly it was like liquid gold all over the garden. We opened the back door and let Molly sit on her chair and look out for a while.
3. While I sipped my mocha and nibbled a ham, egg, and cheese croissant,my blood sugar came up at 89, so Yon offered to make pancakes. Oh! what a blissful moment, realizing that I could have the pancakes I have been craving for a week! "But," I said, "what shall we do with all those day-old donuts? Surely, one of them would be enough to bring my blood sugar up." I looked at him,and he looked at me. Together we said, "Let's throw them out to the birds!" In just minutes, the deed was done, and as he went about flipping flap-jacks,we both laughed as Molly watched birds swooping down on the yard strewn with two dozen now broken up donuts, as her tail twitched at the end.As I set aside most of the ham and the croissant, having eaten the egg, Yon set a plate of pancakes in front of me,and as I put my almost butter on them, I glanced out the window, just as one of my black squirrels ran up the black walnut tree, with a half a big pink frosted donut in his mouth ! Ha-ha! Everybody ate good this morning! Then the clouds rolled in,and the rumbling began again, and now, everybody's happy too!
Oh,by the way. I've added a picture of what I believe to be that very squirrel,taken outside my window,to my photo album.So cute!