1.Well, most of my catalogs are in, and I have been using them like wish books for the yard and the house. Because my garden begins in here,and then goes outside,and then comes back in the house again. Not only what I want to see in the yard,and where, but what I most desire to see overflowing my several vases in the house. Time to dig out the graph paper to plot things out!
2.I'm thinking of putting in another rosebush, or even two, and perhaps make another stab at baby's breath again. More Impatience, lots of pansies,and tons of zinnia's,and even Lilacs! That covers red, pink white and lavender. So, what have I left out? Oh! Marigolds, of course! Yellow Marigolds, to compliment the tulips that will be up, oh, any minute now!
3. Of course, we haven't planned on doing corn again. Not after the raccoons got out there and destroyed them last year. But I don't think they like strawberries, so we will try that, with the tomatoes and the squash and pumpkins,but maybe cukes and melons. Hmmm. Oh, it is such fun planning a garden. I can't hardly wait!