The newest Pink Panther movie, with Steve Martin, Beyonce Knowles, Kevin Kline, and Jean Reno is an absolutely delightful romp from France to America and back to France again! Yon son and I threw our heads back and laughed unreservedly throughout this stunning collection of misadventures, slap-stick, high-jinks,and sight gags. Cunningly woven, even without Peter Sellers, the old boy would have been proud of the twists and turns this movie had to offer. To the critics who Pooh-pooed this film because it wasn't up to Sellers genius,all I can say is, they must have watched a different movie that the one we got! Because the movie we watched not only had an excellent plot, but it was so tightly edited that we could figure out who and why, and who had the diamond. It was fresh and clean, so children can see this film and not be told to leave the room once, and genuine romance, and a touch of pathos.
Now out on DVD, it runs 93 minutes, so it doesn't tax you overlong,and if you love it as much as I do, you can watch it twice of an evening, and still do the special features!
For some strange reason, it is Rated PG,perhaps for mild violence,and a hint of sexual content,maybe? But if you're like I am, you are ready for your Pink Panther musical fix!!