#1. On my list,any commercial which has to reference herpes,or lists as possible complications things that are worse than an outbreak, such as headaches,nausea, vomiting...etc. More annoying, or at the very least,equally,is the advice that you should tell your doctor if you are HIV positive,before starting on a pill for herpes. WEll,Duh! Shouldn't your regular doctor be advised of this little detail LONG before any mention of herpes comes up? And what about this nitwit couple, anyway? He's got herpes,and she doesn't, and they are trying to keep it that way? Hello? Okay, I know they are just trying to sell you a pill, but doesn't abstinence come in there, anywhere? Or do the ad-makers consider us just all animals in rutt,completely oblivious to the notion that getting the news of having an STD, for which there is no cure, just might take the wind out of our free-love making sails for a while?
#2.This one is like number one, in that it's related to sex. I am sick, Sick, I tell you, of hearing about ED. I know, I know, men have a melt-down should anyone ever challenge their ability to perform.Well, maybe it's about time they stopped focusing on that particular performance, and came back down to earth, and did something of value, that makes them a better person. Like, learning how to carry on an intelligent conversation, Read a book on manners that teaches how to be a charming companion, or an amusing host,or went out of their way to do something for someone else, with no thought as to any reward for doing it. Now, I am aware that the good Lord made us with certain urges, to keep the species alive,and yet, so many approach the subject as though the future of the human race depends totally on Them! Why advertisers would choose to carry over this attitude in attempting to sell their product is beyond me, unless all men think this way, and it's the only way to reach their prime market.
#3.Well, the effort to separate income-tax refunds from their rightful owners is in full swing,and everything, from cars to furniture is going for a song...(to hear them tell it) and of course, the most reasonably priced cars are foreign. What. A. Shock! Okay,so it's not made in the USA! It's still a great deal!( Yeah, right) Whoa there Barnzoid! You're an American, remember? Our Big three are having a tough time. Isn't it about time you thought about supporting your country, instead of selling us out for a few hundred bucks? Besides that, if you let things continue the way they're going, then the bumper snicker will be true...{ HUNGRY? EAT YOUR FOREIGN CAR!} Buy American!! Even if the foreign car companies now have plants based in the U.S., the lions share of that money goes to the old country!
#4.The food! May the good Lord help us, there are food ads everywhere. Huge double and triple decker burgers, dropped from great heights flop and bounce on the stage, and drip sauce everywhere. Does that look appetizing to you? Sorry fellas, to me this is enough to gross me out. Blah! Shrimp and Lobster, swimming in butter, or drowning in white sauce doesn't tempt me either.Then there's the pasta deals, with salad, soup and never ending pasta bowls, where you can try every sauce ever invented,but enough is enough.One bowl, maybe two if I'm really starving, but after that, your just filling up on pasta, and that is not a balanced diet! {groan} Oh, but then there's the Subway commercial, where the man and woman are trying to tell us that the reason his wallet is so full, is because they started eating at Subway. Well, that might be a fresh idea for one evenings meal, but I can't stomach an exaggerated cold meat sandwich night after night...or even day after day! Too much bread, too much greasy meat, and they always put too much condiments on, no matter what they say, or how you plead with them to please just put a tiny bit of mustard, and a little swipe of mayo on it, they just overdo it! yuck! And then finally, the nitwit that runs around with the pepper grinder,putting it on the bacon, and they go, the bacon cheeseburger, with pepper bacon,only at so and so's. Well, good! Thanks for the warning, I'll be sure not to go there!
#5. Now, for the commercials that I like! Uh. Hm. Okay, there's that Staples commercial, where the newbie has an ink cartridge in his hand, and says, it's empty, and one of the guys says, just shake it. So the kid puts down the cartridge,and picks up the whole printer,and just shakes the heck out of it! It always makes me laugh out loud! In fact, all the Staples ads with the "Easy" button tickles me. I've got to get one of those easy buttons one of these days !
Then there's the Maxwell house coffee commercial, and although most of the participants are just nice singers,with nice little voices, there is one lady with an amazing voice! I wait for it, because she just thrills me! Now, all she sings is "OUR HOUSE!" But this is one little black lady with a finely tuned instrument of a voice,and she could give Jennifer Hudson a real run for her money! She's beautiful,inside and out, just beautiful!
So, that's my list so far. What are your most annoying, and most favorites? I'll add more as I think of them!