Back up crusade team:
Oh, yes you've never, seen such shoutin' going on!on! on!
John: Don't you know when they finally crossed old Jordan-
How God's children must have shouted all day long?!
Oh,but that could not compare to the shoutin'-
When they finally reach their heavenly home!
Well, you've never seen such shouting goin' on!
As the shoutin' when God calls his children home!
All the Saints will be there, all his glory to declare!
Oh, what shoutin' when God calls his children home!
Heaven must have had quite a celebration-
When the saints of heaven welcomed Jesus Home!
About two thousand years they've been in preparation-
For the moment when he calls his children Home!
Well, you've never seen such shouting going on!
As the shoutin' when God calls his children home!
Well, the Saints will be there, All his glory to declare!
Oh, what shoutin' when God calls his children home!
Well, you've never seen such shoutin' going' on,
As the shoutin when God calls his children home!
All the Saints will be there, all his glory to declare!
Oh what shoutin' when God calls his children home!
This world, is not my home- I'm just a passing though-
With each step,Oh!Were movin' on-and from here we're goin' home!-
Every day when I wake up-seems that I'm looking towards the eastern sky!
Oh,Yeah! And I know it won't be long, very shortly we'll be gone-
in theTwinkling of an eye!
Oh! This world, is not my home! You see I'm just a passin' through!
Oh, with each step, I'm moving' on- and from here we're going' home!
Every day when I wake up- Seems that I'm looking towards the eastern sky!
Oh, yeah, and I know, it won't be long- Very shortly we'll be gone-
In the twinkling of an eye!
Oh, this world, is not my home- I'm just a passin' through!
And with each step, we're moving on- and we're just a passin' through!
We're just a- passing through!
Praise God!