This is for anyone who wants to see Jimmy Swaggart singing and playing the piano! It's real simple! Just go to JSM.ORG,AND CLICK ON TELEVISION! If it's not on the week-end or wednesday night,so that you can't just watch the service, then you will have to go to the archives,and click on either the daily " study in the word" and hope he does a musical spot, (which he usually does ) or a Sunday service, and wait again for that spot. Eventually he will do a spot! If you just can't wait, then maybe you'd better go to the catalogue and order something! As I have mentioned before, he is still the best Preacher in the pulpit,and has still got his singing and piano playing talent, even though he and Jerry Lee are about the same age! All his Cd's and DVD's are wonderful and reasonably priced,and they do ship almost immediately when you order by credit card.Let me also add that if you want lyrics to Jimmy Swaggart songs, then you need to be more specific with your request. Jimmy has done literally hundreds of gospel songs, and sold millions of albums around the world. You can purchase his works from his website....but if there are some lyrics you don't understand, then go on line and ask for the lyrics from someone patient enough to listen and print them out for you!
God bless you,and good luck!