Okay, I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of it all! I am sick of the Anna Nicole Smith tragedy,and the way they have dragged it out! Let's just plant the woman, find a decent parent for little Danny Lynn,and let it go!
I am sick to death of the food police,and all the monster burgers,very nearly in spiteful response! Doesn't anyone else besides my family cook at home any more? I am so very tired of hearing about trans-fats,and saturated fats, and low fat and none-fat foods,when the truth is, you have to have a little old fashioned fat in your diet for you to maintain your health!
I don't pretend to be any sort of authority on global warming, but I know that Al Gore did not come up with it. He's just a Johnny come lately that has climbed on the band-wagon and lent his name to the cause...and got an Oscar for it. How nice for him! Well! Where are the awards for all the science Fiction writers of the 40's and 50's that talked about the green-house effect way back when, and barely even got a nod for it? I'm talking Isaac Asimov,Ray Bradbury,and Heinlein! Can you Grok it?
The war? I don't want to talk about the war. We don't go to war because we like it, we go when we get shoved into it.But, now that we are in it, we can't cut and run like a bunch of cowards,either!
Let's stop with the campaigning! I'm already sick of that, and we're not even close to the elections! Everybody, just please, shut up and go home for a year, huh?
Britney Spears is bald. So what? It's her head, her hair, and I think she's pretty anyway. Leave her alone!
And that is my mini rant for the day! Whew! I feel much better now! Sometimes you just have to get some things off your chest!
Posted by: Steel | March 01, 2007 at 10:08 PM