1. Yon son sang to me on the way: My Maria! ( along with Brooks and Dunn) In very good voice, I might add!
My Maria! don't you know I've come a long long way-
I been longing to see her-when she's around she takes my blues away!
Mari----i---ia! My Maria!
Sweet Maria,the sunlight surely hurts my eyes-just my thoughts about you
brings back my peace of mind! Gypsy lady! -You're a miracle work for me!
You set my soul free like a ship sailin' in the sea-She is the sunlight when the ,
skies are grey! She treats me so right- lady takes me away!
My Mar-iiiiiiiiiia! My Mariiiiiia! My Mariiiiiiiia! My Mariiiiia!
(I just love that song, and the way he sings it!) Okay, maybe his voice cracked one or two times on the high notes, but we laughed and sang all the way out there!
2. Sunday it was two degrees. Today, we hit 50! This is the first day in five weeks we have had a temperature above freezing! I can't help but feel this is a day the Lord has made, just for me! What a blessing- what a beautiful day! The snow was melting and water was running in the streets,and people were walking around without coats,with big smiles on their faces.We had the windows open and didn't have to run the heat in the car, And I saw a beautiful bald eagle flying right towards me just above the tree tops! Oh, he was so magnificent!
3. At the doctor's office, we met a man who was trembling and holding very tightly to two canes in front of him as he sat in the waiting room. I asked him how he was, and his whole sad story came tumbling out, " not very well, he said, I fell down an elevator shaft in 1974,and then in '99 they put the wrong medication in my morphine implant, and it almost killed me, and then in 2005, I got rear-ended. I don't know why I'm still alive..." It was obvious the poor man was in great pain. The Lord spoke to my heart and said,( his name is Richard,tell him this...) I said, there there, poor thing...and Yon son introduced us to him.He said, My name is Richard,and shook his head, I don't know why I'm still alive.So I told him what the Lord had given to me to say,Maybe the Lord is trying to get your attention. He said, He's got it! I asked him if he had a bible,and if he read it. He said, yes, I've read the whole thing, but I don't remember it.I read numbers, and sort of remember it. I said, read Romans,Chapter 10, verses 9 and 10. And He asked that we write that down for him,which Yon son did, and just as he handed Richard the paper,The nurse came out and called us back to see the doctor, and I said, God bless you, Richard,and I was whisked away to the doctor.
The doctor said I was perfect! (Of course, he meant my blood sugar from the lab work done week before last...) But still, it's nice to hear. He calls me his first perfect diabetic! What a hoot! Haha! He also said whatever your doing, keep right on doing it! I told him about a couple of problems,and he gave me a new pill...(joy oh joy Not.) and completely solved my other problem too. When we came out, Richard was gone,but at least we were able to give him what comfort we could,and I know Our Lord will do the rest,if only Richard asks. On the way home, we stopped at the store, and Yon son went in and bought me a couple of oranges! Yay!
Everybody, please pray for Richard!