1.Last night was the coldest night of the year, so far.Below zero, not counting wind chills,and Yon son's car had no heat while it was moving. Standing still, the heat poured out, but while driving, no heat. In my spirit,I felt the prompting, and so I spent most of the night, awake, in prayer for him. Finally, about 4 a.m.suddenly the pressure was off,and I felt my prayers had been answered, and fell into an exhausted heap. Next I knew, He was chirping at me from my door way, Good morning! Praise God! He was home, and he was safe!
2. I got up,and it was so grand! The sun was streaming in the windows, and Teddy was singing, and Yon was happily chattering on about the wonderful things that had gone on overnight,even though he was freezing...but there was no damage to his feet.Neither the right one, which he broke two years ago, and had to work on, so that it mended wrong, and still pains him, nor the left, which he nearly severed completely as a youth, and almost lost...and still pains him today. But the night is over,and today, is his day off,and we're going to celebrate the Lord taking such good care of him!
3. We talked, we laughed, we sang and shouted praises to the Lord all through breakfast! What a spectacular day! Whoops! Time for church! Bye!!