I saw it done on a television show this week. Families were challenged to spend one week without any modern conveniences. No cell phone, no Internet, no television, no washing machine,dishwasher or microwave.Not even a vacuum cleaner,or a hair drier! Fortunately, they didn't have to lose the bathroom or the stove or furnace or electric lights, but everything else that spoke of "Modern" was prohibited. I am pretty certain it was the Oprah show, because I remember hearing the audience gasping in disbelief,as they saw the mother doing her laundry in the bathtub with a scrub board,and hanging her clothes to dry on wooden racks. Huh. Been there, done that, no big deal. You work with the situation you have to operate with. Yes, it's hard work, but then, so what? I was seriously disturbed over the way she showed off the end result, saying it didn't look very good,and it wasn't soft and it was terribly wrinkled, but she got it as clean as she could. What? Wait a minute! Nothing was said about her not being able to use good detergent, or fabric softener,and unless I miss my guess, she was not barred from training an electric fan on the clothes as they dried, which would have caused them to come out soft,and wrinkle free! And then, the moaning and groaning over having to do her dishes by hand. My lord. Don't look now, folks, but not everybody has a dishwasher! And then, the pile-up of the mess around the house because of no vacuum cleaner. I am totally certain that they did not take away this woman's broom! And then, it dawned on me...she did not have a broom! Okay,it seemed as though the mother/wife of this family had it the worst, but not so! The husband had problems without the computer,and the children wailed over the loss of the television, video games,and all of them missed their cell phones. They were all enormously relieved when the week was over and they could have their goodies back. Talk about being spoiled rotten. Is this what we have come to? Are we so soft that we can't use our hands to clean and tidy up without a machine to do the work,and then another machine, or two or three to keep ourselves entertained? It's disgusting that our children now have no concept of being able to do these things without dishwashers and washers and dryers,and a floor sweeper. And, so there's no television, or Internet! Are they now incapable of picking up a book to read, or playing a board game for fun? If we lost our power tomorrow, would America come to a stand-still? Would all the young adults sink into a pit of dirt and disorganization? It makes one wonder.
But seeing this show got me to thinking. I personally would be practically untouched by the loss of all but the Internet. I would miss blogging terribly, but on the other hand, I would have more time to do the reading I want to do. And, if I simply have to write, there's always a pad of paper and a pen or pencil for the rough draft,and I can drag out my Underwood Scriptor to type it up with. The only things missing would be the exposure,and the feedback. Now That, I would miss!
I do not have, nor do I want a cell phone. My land-line does me just fine. This is going to sound like an alien concept, but when I leave home,and cannot be reached, I am just as glad not to have a phone ringing in my ear every minute! In this day and age it sounds perverse, I know, but I would just as soon not be all that available day and night to anyone who wants to ring me up! As far as a dishwasher, who needs it? Doing your dishes by hand is quicker and uses less hot water than a dishwasher. Brooms and hand carpet sweepers are nice and quiet,as are mops and buckets. They also give one a sense of accomplishment when you're done. You get your house clean, break a sweat,and then you don't have to go to the gym for your physical work-out! You got it all in one fell swoop,and then you don't have to go anywhere else to stay fit. You can stay home,and start dinner,and read to your kids instead.
As far as video games go, most of them are trash anyway. The only exception to that is Mario! Completely wholesome entertainment with a guy that only defends himself against monsters trying to impede his progress as he tries to save the princess! Now what could be nicer than that? Besides that he can fly and spit fire at fatal mushrooms. Now that is fun! He has no guns, and there's no blood involved, unlike some other games I have heard about! Also, there are Tetris, and Bejeweled.All of which are wonderful games.But it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't have them anymore. Because we also have Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble,Monopoly,and card games we can play. And, Kids, most of all, need to get away from spending so much time sitting in one spot, staring at a monitor or a television, but get up, go out,and run around a bit more!
Less high tech would do us all a world of good, don't you think?