A few years back when I could still walk about without a cane, or my wheelchair,when I was still able to take a notion to go to the store, and leave the house on foot, I went to the store one day, and started home with one small bag of groceries. Bad idea. It turns out that I should have had two small bags of groceries. The thing, you see, is that with degenerative disc disease, one must keep things balanced. Otherwise, there is too much strain on one side of the body,and therefore, one side of the spine. Eminently rupturing discs object to this sort of treatment, and show their displeasure in very profound ways. Stuff between the vertebra oozes out, pinches nerves,and does no end of damage. I started to feel very bad,and had to stop and put my burden down several times before I reached home. Without a clue as to what was going on, I sat down as soon as I got in the door,and rested until the pain subsided,focusing on what I was going to prepare for dinner,rather than my "discomfort",which always worked in the past. This time, it did not. I tried not to notice that it was taking a rather longer time than usual for the pain to go away, and instead, got up to visit Mrs. Murphy,who was yelling at me!I propelled myself towards the bathroom, and stumbled over nothing as I went through the door, almost taking a header into the bathtub. I bounced off a couple of walls,and ended up sitting down hard,with my feet tangled up together. I did not call for help. I did not have to. Yon son heard me hit the floor from a room away, in his bedroom, and came running to find out what the noise was about,and found me sitting, stunned on the floor.As he reached down to help me to my feet, he said, Honey, what happened? I just grinned, and wiped the moisture off my cheeks,and said, oh, you know, just a bit of creative walking! That was the day I started using my cane all the time. It was also the day that I was first warned by Yon son as he headed out the door to go to work,"NO creative walking now, mom!"
A month later, I did a bit of "creative bathing." I don't know why I refuse to have it said that I....took a tumble, or any such nonsense as that. I prefer to think of it as being creative, when you do something different than the norm.