Shocked, surprised and saddened at the news of her demise, I was taken aback to hear that this once vibrant former bunny had died. And yet, after giving it some thought how else could this sad saga end? This beautiful woman, who had gone through such enormous changes,from the pinnacle of success, to a brilliant marriage, to such a sudden tragic loss first of her adored husband,and then being denied her inheritance,still she strove to carry on. Her only bright aspect of her whole life, her son, then stood by her and helped her with her reality show, and was her cheering section, always.
And then, when she finally seemed to be getting on with her life,and had found someone to make a family with, she gives birth to a baby girl...and three days later her son suddenly dies.
Given all the grief and heartache that poor woman has gone through, her suddenly dropping dead should be no surprise at all. She had lost it all, and one little morsel of humanity, only five months old apparently was not enough for her to live for. I pretty much saw it coming, as the interviews in the last few months showed her going down-hill, a little more all the time.
Anna Nicole Smith died because she had lost the will to live.