If you are concerned enough to write to the company with a complaint, then it is important enough for you to do it in a business-like manner. This is a very serious matter, and not to be done under the influence of anything stronger than your anger, and please, stuff that into a pocket, and bring out your dictionary and Roget's instead of using foul or filthy words! How you present yourself could make all the difference as to whether your situation is taken care of to your satisfaction or not. With all the aplomb you can muster, do the usual letter form, with your name and address clearly on the right header, the correct date in the top center, if it pleases you, and then the offending company's name and address,and contact person on the left,just a line or two below where your name goes. If the person's name does not indicate whether it is a man or woman, then it is best to begin with :" Dear Sir Or Madam," Start with a reminder, (if you can) that I have been a valued customer with your firm for 700 years,( or however long it has been),and (if it's true), up until recently, I have been very happy with your performance. Then clearly and precisely state your case, Names, dates, places, transactions, goods that changed hands, or not, amounts and letters involved,and telephone conversations. Include copies of all needful proofs, but never, ever send originals! Keep them in case the matter is not resolved,and you need them for court. And always itemize the mention of each copy of whatever, just after you use it to your advantage, thusly:" Please find copy of canceled check, # 25749 enclosed,made out to you in the amount of $400.00, signed by me, and endorsed on the back,(copy also enclosed) by your agent, Harry I. Ball,and deposited in the Tootie-Fruity bank on December 1st, and yet, the goods were not received until the 30th of December! Hardly what I would call" delivered in a timely fashion, in plenty of time for Christmas!" ...As was promised by your advertisement, unless, of course, you were speaking of NEXT year!" Now, unless you are a lawyer, you don't want to use legalese jargon to speak to this individual,but they are not your mommy or your best friend either! This person represents the company, but as far as you know, they, personally did not do you wrong,so use language that will not insult them, yet at the same time, make it clear that you do not consider them your pal. Take them to task, yes! But, in the nicest way possible. No filthy name calling! That is the surest way to make whomever is reading your letter to stop reading, and toss it in the circular file,A.K.A. the waste basket,and dismiss it as just hate-mail! So, keep your focus! In addition, make it clear what you expect the company to do about your problem, such as:" Since only the bracelet was shipped, and I have already paid for the entire set, it would behoove you to either RUSH delivery of the matching earrings and dinner ring,Or, to please return the balance of the money remitted by me, immediately!" Or, if it was a food item purchased at the local grocery store,be certain to include your sales slip, and an overall statement of previously being happy with the product in the past, you are libel to get all sorts of coupons and freebies in return mail!
Then, end the letter, politely, but strongly, with something like, " In the interest of all concerned, I shall not contact my lawyer for five (5) business days,in the hopes that you shall be able to bring about a speedy conclusion of this transaction. Otherwise, you shall be hearing from him next.
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Koffitup Orillsue
Leaving room between the ending salutation, and your printed name, for your legal signature. Then, at the very bottom of the letter, telling them you have made and kept carbon copies of this letter and the contents(paper trail) enclosures, do this;
CC:to Isadore Katz, attorney at law.
This tells the company that you have already given your attorney a heads up on the whole matter, and it just might be the last bit of information they need to gear them up so they don't drag their feet on your situation.
A final word of caution. Control yourself, no matter how angry you are, or become recounting how they did you wrong, do not use gutter language. If you absolutely must call names,then do it in such a way that they could not possibly live up to it. Like, "this sort of rank slip-up makes me wonder what kind of ox-headed baboons you have working in your shipping department!"
Good luck!
And remember, if you don't get action in the specified time, follow up! Never make empty promises!