Well, they do,but within limits, and editing. Partially because they want you to respond in a certain way, but without putting words in your mouth. They want to know that they are the most important person in your life! That right there is basically it, in a nutshell.Also, I am going to help you right now, and answer your questioning face that you display when she says, "Well, if you don't know, I am certainly not going to tell you!"You forgot to say or do that one thing that proves your love to her. You forgot to say I love you, or kiss her hello, or you've forgotten her birthday, or anniversary,or something else you swore you'd never forget! She knows what it is, but if you don't then that proves you don't love her,and if she has to remind you, then that is like begging, and it makes your compliance with her request emotionless. If she has to tell you, then it's no good. It has to come from your heart, in order for it to be valid! It may be as simple as someone said something, perhaps meant to be a joke,that hurt her feelings, and instead of correcting that person, you laughed.So when one of those situations comes up, think back, with sensitivity, you will probably uncover the problem.
Every woman wants her love to be spontaneous and beautiful. He sent me flowers,just because he loves me. He kisses me passionately, every time we meet. I am the most important person in the whole world to him...if I don't go, he won't go without me! And, (this is a big one) I felt terrible when he showed up for our date, and even though he really wanted to go, he said, okay,let's just stay in tonight, and cuddle.
If you really love her, she expects these things to come to you right out of the blue!
Now, that's not so difficult to understand, is it?