So Yon son just came in for a pit stop, and I turned away from the computer long enough to ask, how are you doing tonight? Not good. came the reply. Well, this is just the way things go sometimes, especially just before pay day. He's on a every two weeks schedule, and things get real tight at the end of the two weeks. I could feel he was real dispirited,but before I said anything back, I stopped and thought how great things have been for us, in contrast to the way things used to be when I was working and raising him....since we've been saved. A sense of peace came over me then, and I smiled at him, and said, It'll be alright, honey. The Lord will provide. You know, he always does, somehow, some way, he always comes through for us. After all, it's not like we are in need, yet. Our bills are paid, our rent is paid, and we have food in the house,and even though we may have a little shortage of creature comforts, for the most part,we are not in dire straights. Not like back when he was first diagnosed with hepatitis C, and the only work he could do was dumpster diving for cans! He couldn't work even an eight hour shift, he was so sick, all he did was sleep, try to consume something he could keep down, and then spend a couple of hours collecting cans so we had some money. Well, those days ended when he got saved,and he went into remission,and was suddenly full of energy and anxious to get back to work full time,and he has been working full time ever since.What a change.The Lord has blessed us abundantly ever since.
So, when we have shortages from time to time, it is good to look back on those experiences, and see how the blessings have flowed into our lives, as we have grown spiritually. I can see how it not only has changed our day to day living, but how differently we, and more specifically, I have responded to seeing a shortfall coming up. I used to fret, and stew and worry,but as I have grown in the Lord, he has taught me patience. I don't imagine I was a whole lot of fun to be around during hard times in the past, because I was in constant turmoil mentally. Now, the Lord has granted me peace,because over and over, he has proven to me he is an On time God.
And now, Yon son is learning it too. Sometimes he is inclined to stress, but more and more, he and I will trade a look, and he will say to me, " God will provide." Not only because I have reminded him of this,but also because with the Lord, each person, each believer has to learn it for themselves. That is why Jesus is called our personal savior. Spiritual growth is personal,and as with any human being learning takes as long as it takes. He meets us where we are,and takes us where we need to be, one experience, one lesson at a time. The mistake so many people make is in thinking, I can't accept Jesus until I am good enough...but that is backwards. With that sort of criteria,no one would ever get saved, because the unsaved will never be good enough! You have to get saved, to get to be good enough.
And, meanwhile, as you grow in the Lord, and trust him, he takes real good care of you.
God will provide!