What is the point of the girl leaving in "It's all coming back to me now?" This was the request I got when I followed a referrer back, who had hit on my site, just because Celine Dion is posted as one of my favorite singers,and the album with that song was posted, because that is one of my favorite songs. However, for some strange incomprehensible reason, I had never chosen to blog on this particular subject, because, let's face it, This was one of Celine's first videos,(IF not the very first) and I assumed that no-one would be interested in what I had to say about an oldie but a goodie. I loved her from the very first hearing of this video,not only for her honey-ied vocal abilities, but also for the talent it took to put this " minute" movie together, but the use of symbolism,and the flashbacks, the lightening and thunder, and the wind blowing the gauzy drapes...made it all so romantic.
So, the point of the girl leaving is, of course, there had to have been a break-up to begin with in order for it to be..." all coming back to her now!"
So, view it with that in mind,and with any luck at all, that should clear up your confusion for you!