So, you ran right out and made a sign, and went out on a street corner to make your feelings known.Or, you came out on the steps of the Capital,and stood there while flashbulbs went off,and smugly, you talked about how Bush has failed. Well, how nice for you that you "got him" on something; now nobody can talk badly about you, while you are running him into the ground. Yeah. But that doesn't really solve the problem, does it? Our boys are still in harm's way,and we still have a thorny problem to consider,and we still have a rather fine, honorable man in the White House who has stepped up and taken the blame for something that a whole bunch of people are responsible for, not just him. And, just as an aside, I have to laugh at all the guys lining up to run in '08! They all think they could have handled it better! Yeah? How? By wimping out and leaving Saddam in power to torture and kill his own people? or the Kurds? Or who else next time? Whoever wins this next election will find out real quick that that is the hot seat,and they won't be able to do half of what they say they will do. It's a hard, man killing job, and these nitwits just look at it as power! But now, it's all about jockeying for position, and deserting the big guy, even if he is of your own party. Okay, rant over! But I digress...
So, how do you help solve the problem? Well for starters, put down your signs,and stop talking the man down. He's not the enemy! Go home, get down on your knees and pray for this country. Pray for America, pray for our leaders,and ask God to bless our efforts in finding a way out of this mess!
If you're a Christian American, you will!