1.I had to be there this morning, on an eight hour fast (water only) at 8 a.m. But Yon son and I usually have breakfast at 6:30 or when I got up, I went about running my blood sugar,and was horrified to see that it was at 75. Now with my machine, low starts at 88! So, I could see myself going into a severe insulin reaction. However, instead of calling and canceling, and eating and taking my pills, I told Yon to go get the car out, warm it up,and I would dress and we would go right away.
2.We had planned to be on our way at 7:45. Amazingly, with our extra added fire under us, we pulled away from the house at exactly 7:45! In addition, being with Yon son, who is an excellent driver,a professional cab driver who knows all the streets in the Quad-Cities,and was able to get us to the hospital in record time, shaving several minutes off our trip, I had no worries about being on time. Also, he was right there, to help me get past the front desk, showing my medical insurance card, and into the lab waiting room without my irritability from the insulin reaction showing. I couldn't help it, it's just another aspect of the situation, but there was Yon, his cheerful nature keeping me level, his hand on my shoulder as my temper went on the boil,when having to wait...what I felt was too long in the waiting room. I wasn't being difficult. I was afraid that any minute I was going to be disoriented, shaking, and perhaps even going into a coma! This may sound strange, but I was happy as a little toad in a puddle when they called me in, and I was able to present a steady arm for them to draw blood! But, praise the Lord, between Him, and Yon son, I was able to hold it together, until she was done filling three vials of blood,and bandage my arm, and we were out of there!!
3. What a joy! We went right downstairs to the Little Edgewater Cafe,found some delectable Cinnamon rolls and moist and fruity,triple berry muffins and my decaf and cocoa, and we went to a nice little table facing the windows overlooking the man-made pond full of geese and ducks. There is a little fountain in the middle to keep it from icing over, so the birds and fish can make it through the winter. What a lovely sight to feast your eyes upon while finally being able to eat,after a forced fast like that.And as we ate, and I took my pills, and the sugar got into my blood stream,I started to feel more like myself,and we chatted about the folks around us,and the adorable geese and ducks,and a brilliant sun came out from behind the grey clouds,and it was as though a whole new day suddenly had begun.