1.Having someone, a Paraclete,(one who is called along side to help) who, without being asked or told to, will run for a pan, or a cold cloth, or a hot water bottle,just when you need them the most. Lucky me! I have three! Yon son, Mogwi, and Sherry!
2.This latest down-time, it was just Yon who was there.Both Sherry and Mogwi being down themselves, and not able to do other than to call and ask how I am, bless 'em....but how wonderful that they cared enough to call! So, I had three sweet little voices chirping in my ears, and making me laugh in spite of the discomfort. And Yon made me special soups to tempt me to eat, even when I didn't want to, and brought me candy...not a bar, but a huge two pound box of fancy chocolates to keep my blood sugar up,while I was off my feed. Sweetest of all, he also dragged me out of bed to run my blood sugar test, take pills,and at least try to eat what he had cooked.Thank God I taught that man how to cook!
3.While I was up, Yon son did things behind my back, to make me more comfortable. He ran my laundry, so I would have clean clothes (jammies) to change into after my sponge bath, and a fresh and clean bed to fall back into, all with extra fabric softener so my room was extra sweet smelling, and my sheets were cuddly soft. He even pulled the shades so the light wouldn't be in my eyes,and convinced my bird, Teddy (somehow) to sing more softly. He even brushed out my hair, and gave me back and neck rubs. With care like that, is it any wonder that I am feeling so much better?
Posted by: Nic | January 21, 2007 at 02:15 PM
Posted by: Julia | January 23, 2007 at 07:49 PM