1.Our day began with Yon son coming home early.We had a quick light breakfast, and went straight to bed before we usually even eat.He set his alarm, but amazingly we both woke up before the alarm went off! Church was great,but even more so than normal, because he wasn't fighting to keep his eyes open during the Lord's supper.What a blessing and a joy to be together in church today!
2.Sometimes I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. That's when I can't sit still long enough to hear really good preaching,or relax enough to take a nap that I desperately need.Well, for some reason, that's the way it's been lately, but then it hit me that the cause was, in part, dry skin.After a sponge bath with bath oil, and some other adjustments, and a wonderful meal this evening,I am positively oozing comfort from every pore. I shall sleep tonight!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
3. Yon's laptop came back home finally, and he brings into the dinning room and sets it up on the table, so that while I blog, or run my stats, he sits just a couple feet away and plays his games. Sounds strange, but it's a real hoot to both be working on the computer, at our different interests, instead of one having to wait for the other to get done, so you can do yours.