Well, here I am again, wakeful in the middle of the night,and there are nitwits on television yammering on about the war in Iraq, and what Bush did wrong, and how awful it all is,trying to talk the problem to death. Meanwhile they are solving nothing,they are accomplishing nothing. But, of course, they intend to solve nothing, they are just putting themselves out there to be seen and heard, sounding oh so wise. One of them is Joe Biden, whom we all know is going to run for prez. The same Joe Biden who got caught plagiarizing speeches. Oh, yeah,like I'm going to trust him? I wouldn't vote for him for dogcatcher. But that is only for the principle of the thing. It's not like any election is going to make that much difference in the way the world wags. Who gets elected or what party is in power really doesn't change our country that much. They all take the oath of office to protect and defend the constitution. The backbone of our nation is what is really important. And even though America even doesn't have a perfect system of government, it's still the best in the world.
No, what's really needed here, if we want our system to continue and for right to prevail in the middle east, is for our religious/spiritual leaders to start exhorting their congregations to be seeking the face of God. We need to hit those altars and get down on our knees and be praying for his blessing on our efforts. Give our generals guidance and wisdom. Strengthen our resolve to help this little fledgling democracy to find a way to stand up to those blood-thirsty factions, and convince them to make some peaceful settlements instead of blowing themselves to bits. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. Considering that we have tried every other avenue available in the realm of diplomacy,beyond going in with missionaries and teaching the supposed leaders the skills of compromise, then it's time to pull out the big guns,and use prayer on them. Constant, fervent prayer. Not, one day, as has been declared and done by different ones, here and there. But every day, by every church, no matter what the denomination! Come on America! Let's put our faith and trust in God again.He can heal our nation, and he can bring about peace in Iraq....and all points east!
I think God can do it.
I know God can do it!
He's the only one who can!
Posted by: Songbird | January 08, 2007 at 10:54 AM