1.Five out of six times the weatherman says we will have some sort of storm, being in the Mississippi Valley, the storm will usually go right on around us. So this time, even though my bones and nerves were raising an uproar in advance, I was of a mind to be like most everyone else in the area. Yeah, yeah, we know, and then, nothing happens. But my body kept telling me, here it comes!
2.And, just about midnight, December first,the biggest snowstorm in six years hit us, head on, dropping about a foot of snow on us directly! Wow! What a sight! It's fun to watch snowfall at night, because the sky turns a beautiful pale lavender and the surrounding area is so bright!
3. When Yon son came home, he was smiling so broadly, even though he was covered with snow from the knees down. He said;"It's my favorite kind of snow! The snowdrifts get a crust of ice, and when you walk in it, it crunches as you break the ice,and then your foot and leg slide down into the snow! haha! Dollars to doughnuts we end up with a snow-man mysteriously appearing in our yard tomorrow or the next day. Hm! Must have mulled cider and hot chocolate on hand for the next two days, just to make sure Yon can warm up fast, after his "errands"!