It was the last episode of this year. There won't be another until January,22,2007, and as well written and tight as this NBC jewel of a show has been, I had high expectations for it to solve some apparent problems, and contradictions in the story line. NO. SUCH. LUCK. Instead of solving something.... anything, and then moving on to a new problem, leaving us satisfied on one hand, and hopeful, and then left with a sudden cliffhanger,they had nearly every story-line going sour at the same time.
This did not leave me with the feeling that I just can't wait until the twenty-second of January. No. Rather, it left me feeling annoyed. Irritated that they had even bothered to air this show. What was the point? I hated the paradox of the kid with the bloody tee shirt falling to the pavement,and waking up somewhere, somewhen, else,while his body seemed to die behind him. The cute little cheerleader, seemingly saved, and then caught in the clutches of the bad guy again. I detested that.
Who is going to hang on that long, only to be further irritated when the show resumes?
I doubt very much if I will.