A number of requests have come down the pike, wanting to know how to get noticed,and an equal number of responses have been, " a see through blouse,and no bra." I am assuming that the seekers have been girls and the responses have been from men. If you are so anxious to be "noticed" that you will go for this dreadful advice, then you must want attention very "Badly"! Please, don't do this. Unless you are a pop star trying to rebuild your career,or an old woman with very sensitive skin, you won't get the kind of "notice" that will in any way, shape or form be what you desire. This is not the way to find the man of your dreams, this is the way to find a guy looking for a floozy for the night! Of course, if that is the type of impression you want to give, then go ahead and dress like a streetwalker,and you will be noticed.Not only by the guys on the make, as they say, but also by the local PD,watching you for signs of actual hooking going on, since that is what they will take you to be. Also, you may find your landlord looking strangely at you, and perhaps making demands on you that you'll find uncomfortable,like raising your rent,or just coming right out and asking you to move, because they run a nice place! And, don't be surprised if you have neighbors pulling their children away from you, and telling you not to talk to them. People have a way of responding negatively to young women who dress suggestively. You could find yourself with a reputation that precedes you, which you haven't actively earned, simply by the way you dress. And, that nice man, Mr. Right, whom you hope to find, fall in love with and he with you? Honey, he may see you, and even admire you from afar, but don't hold your breath that he is going to come after you with any serious intentions. In his eyes, you will be the woman his mother warned him about, good for one night, but not to marry!
So, what is a young woman to do who wants to be noticed,without running the risk of being misunderstood? Dignity.Be clean, be neat, and wear clothes that fit.Don't be wearing pants too tight, or too baggy,skirts too short or too snug,and for goodness sakes, don't be caught without underwear! For a man to find you interesting, he needs to look at you as a lovely package. Have your hair done nicely, understated make-up, and a lovely smile, smelling sweet,and wearing clothes appropriate for the situation. Remember that packages look pretty, and don't reveal anything until you take the wrapping off! Going to the office? Dress as though you are going to meet his family. Going clubbing? Even though your friends may dress scantily,there is nothing wrong with dressing up, in that little black dress,heels and a touch of jewelry. That says class, with a capital "K". Not going to a high class place? You'd rather play pool, or go bowling? Well, why not wear those comfortable jeans,with a very feminine blouse, and nice slip-on shoes,and do full make-up? Make the most of your assets, and down-play your flaws. Then, once you are all dressed and made up and ready to walk out the door,look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself this question: What can I take off, and still look nice? Most of us overdo it with the jewelry, so it is a good rule of thumb to take off one thing. If your wearing a matching earrings and necklace and bracelet, remove one of those. If there is anything that jangles, or can get caught on someone else's clothes, that should go. Even if you like the look of a ring on every finger, if your going out to find a guy, make sure your ring finger on your left hand is naked! Otherwise, he will assume you are taken, and keep right on walking. Look at yourself in the mirror with a cold steely eye. Don't run the risk of being taken for a circus horse,if you want to be some guy's cute little filly!
And finally, after reading this over, it occurs to me that you may be needing more than just motherly advice on how to dress to catch a man's eye. You may be wanting some serious re-enforcement of those standards you already know. A reminder that you are probably just fine the way you are, and it's alright just to be yourself, let your wonderful personality shine through. Because in the final analysis, nobody falls in love with a body and a face and the fashions they dress themselves up in. That is not enduring love, that is something else altogether, and it won't last. Oh yes, human beings can be shallow and thoughtless from time to time, and you may get the feeling that the parade is passing you by as all around you people are coupling up,and noone seems to be looking your way. But please, don't get desperate. Men seem to be able to smell desperate females a mile off,and will avoid them at all costs. Relax! Seek out friends who like to do what you like,and go places, and do things that make you happy,and don't worry about whether someone else is noticing you. Do that, and when you least expect it, he will find you. He will be another antique hound, or library fiend,or be just as nuts about flea markets as you are. He will be captivated by your smile and the sound of your laughter, and it won't matter to him if you aren't a scrawny runway model, or a fashion plate.
If anything I have said has helped you, please leave me a comment, or if I missed addressing your concern, leave me a comment about that too! I am more than happy to help!
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