So, your a Christian parent, looking for a video game for your child? From what I have just seen, and heard, you don't want "Left Behind"! I have been alerted by a pal that this new game has as part of it's "play" Christians shooting and killing others who aren't "Christian" enough, or won't convert! And, this is supposedly backed by someone involved in the actual creation of the books and the movie! Of course, they say, the shooter loses spirit points for each kill!
My friend was told that they would they lose spirit points for killing. My knee jerk reaction to this information was that this had to be yet another sign of spiritual wickedness in high places! Because it is being endorsed by pastors,and the actual writers of the "Left Behind" books. In additon, if true, the person who buys the game, allows the game to be played by their children, or even brings this unbiblical attempt to make money off of this excellent fictional account of what it might be like for those left behind after the Rapture takes place,into their home is going to be on dangerous, dangerous ground with the Lord himself, for their own souls!
So, I decided to do a little more investigating, and So far, it isn't exactly what my pal thought it was.What I found was this,in a nutshell:
Based on the renowned series of Christian fiction about the aftermath of the Rapture and the lives left behind in the ensuing turmoil after those who are saved by their faith in God are gone. LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces puts players in command of the apocalyptic battles raging in the streets of New York City , as the Tribulation Force trying to save as many souls as possible from the antichrist’s Global Community Peacekeepers during the End of Days.
But you might want to check it out for yourself, because they have a great intro video that is very impressive. Personally, I did not try the game, because I still prefer Mario,chuzzle, collapse,and the like rather than any sort of war game. If I do feel like a war game, I go for Chess! But go ahead and google" left behind video game ",and make up your own mind!