I love getting comments! Doesn't everybody? On the other hand, there is little more exasperating than getting spam, or worse, getting a comment that is little more than a link back to their site,and when you get there, there is nothing there! Oh, there's a page, with all sorts of headings, but if you click on it, it takes you to a page with the same heading, and the rest is a blank page. Worse yet, the original statement looks like it might be interesting, but after you think about it, you realize that the statement is incendiary,and darn close to blasphemous. Taking on the persona of Jesus Christ to make a statement that you will be making an Inaugural address at the White Throned Judgment was annoying, but at least you had the wit to not publish this supposed address...SINCE THERE WON'T BE ONE! Anyone who names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and savior knows that! Oh, yeah, you had me going there for a while. I was all set to tell you where you slipped up. Point one, Christ won't be running for president, since he is already King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And I don't see him stepping down, and taking off his royal crown, to be an earthly president.Point two, Christ won't be making an address, speeches, or preaching, since by that time,all reason and purpose for all of that will be past. Everyone will have made their eternal decision. The books will be opened,and all whose name is not found in the Lamb's book of life, will be cast out of heaven. As for the rest of us, there will be singing and rejoicing,and feasting, with joy unspeakable and full of Glory,and earth will finally be restored to what it was intended to be, before man fell. Without sin. Without a tempter!Innocent, and pure,with no tears, sickness or disease,or pain,and no separation from God!A place of peace and love and such beauty we cannot even imagine how wonderful it will be.
And I can't hardly wait!