1.For our Thanksgiving dinner we had Roast turkey with all the trimmings,and once we had slept off the effects of the triptophan,there was Thanksgiving Campmeeting,where we again feasted, but this time on the word of the Lord,and rested in the Lord,and were refilled with the Holy Spirit,and I for one have never felt so happy!
2.For the last eight days, we have had fantastic weather! Highs in the 60's, no rain to speak of, just an occasional overcast sky, with a tiny bit of sprinkles. But, my bones were telling me another story. I knew it was about to come to an end,and sure enough, we are now getting " winterstorm watches",and footage from the western states of cars sliding backwards down hills, with the brakes on, and all that sort of thing.
3.I have on my desktop a big blue 6, a link to a local television station, that sends me e-mails telling me of the weather forecast. But it also does something else. When there are watches and Warnings of severe weather, that blue six turns bright red, and instead of a harp sound as when there is a new forecast, the red six goes EEP!EEP!EEP! Very loud, and very shrill. So when I am deep in thought, composing my post, and the t.v. is off, I still cannot miss the severe weather warning! How's that for nifty? It certainly has come in handy for Yon son, who must know the forecast before he dresses for work...and is most helpful when he has a chance to call ahead to the office to remind them that they will need salt and sand for each car tonight! Oh! and the temperature right now? Well, it has dropped today from about 50 this morning, to 29 degrees right now! Ka-burr!