Well kids, we're almost there. It's Sunday, November 5th, and election day is Tuesday. All we have to do is get through two more days, and then we will see an end to the mid-term elections political spots on t.v....and be rid of the local yokels calling us, urging us to vote for their guy..or gal! Of course, it won't really be any sort of respite for us, since the focus will then swing towards the 2008 presidential election. (Gag)
You know, I am proud to be an American, and have the freedoms we enjoy, and be able to have elections,and be able to go to the polls, or send in my absentee ballot, and vote my conscience,and not have the sort of mess that is going on in Iraq. Here, at least, we don't have to worry about someone trying to shoot us, or blow us up for the way we might vote: or be a target because we are in office! If you have been watching...(and who has not?) then you can truly say you are witnessing the birth of a nation! With all the pain, pathos, and blood that the description entails. And in seeing, aren't we all just a little ashamed that we are such wimps that we cannot tolerate some ads on television, or radio...which, by the way, we can turn off; without whining and gnashing our teeth over? I mean, think about it. We may have some things about our system we don't like, but of all the governments on the face of the earth, America has that which the rest of the countries looks to as the most free, the most desirable place to be....or the one to beat, because we are the best! With that in mind, and yes, I do it too, aren't we just a bit spoiled? Just a little petty to consider the advertisements of those running for office an infringement on our usual entertainment, a waste of our time, a waste of energy? What we are crying or sneering at is an incredible use of our freedom of speech,a thing for which men and women in other countries wish to God they had. Well, we have it, and yet we act like it is a huge imposition to be asked to listen to what these candidates have to say on their issues and positions. If You lived in China or any of dozens of other counties,and you heard these things coming over television, you would stop, turn around with amazement on your face and be filled with total awe that anyone could step up and speak so boldly of the flaws in your government,without fear that they would be taken out and shot for it! That is the kind of freedom we are fighting for in Iraq,and before you yell and scream about we shouldn't be there, remember, that if we give up the fight over there, those fanatics will be over here, bringing their bloody fight to our very shores, to rid us of our freedoms, and trying to force us to live THEIR way!
You think about that!