I don't believe in gossip, but nor do I believe in allowing a whole country to be blind-sided!I could go on a hunt now, and tell you all sorts of things this man did that were wrong, and hurt the state of Iowa, but I am not going to do that. Instead, I will site just one situation, which I believe he botched, totally.
As I recall, it was last spring when a freak storm,otherwise called a "SuperCell", a mega-tornado came roaring through the collage town of Iowa City. Huge Collage town. Lots of students who attend the University of Iowa Medical teaching Hospitals found it took only one night to displace thousands of students from their dorms and private off-campus housing alike.Hundreds of homes and businesses were flattened,and the big apartment buildings were just completely wiped out. And yes, there were injuries,and even deaths. Most had no way of repairing, the buildings were too far gone. From what we saw on television, the place was a complete mad-house. Students were sleeping in their cars, or on the streets, just waiting for assistance to arrive, because they had no place to go. Most were confident that once the Governor saw the devastation, they students could put their names on waiting lists so the owners of the apartment buildings would get the loans they so desperately needed to rebuild,and the students themselves would get emergency housing. And, all the car dealerships and other businesses that needed to rebuild would have that same ability to ask for loans as well.
But, when Governor Vilsack flew over Iowa City, he wasn't impressed with what he saw,and didn't seem to care about these facts. So, he did not declare it a disaster area. This was not an emergency situation. With one stroke of a pen, that man could have put Iowa City back together, and he didn't do it. Instead, he allowed thousands of students to take daddy's money, drop out of collage,and leave medical school, simply because they had no place to live,had nothing left, and could not continue on in Iowa City as it was. Buildings that should have been rebuilt got the wrecking ball instead,and hundreds of businessmen and their families lost everything they had worked all their lives to build up. I could go on, but you get the general idea.
So, in 2008, when you see Tom Vilsack listed as a candidate for President, remember this one little story, won't you please?