It was a tease on Sunday morning's Today show, that said "Your preacher may have a new message from the pulpit this morning, in view of the election results this week!" Well, this may come as a shock,but I wasn't even interested in the story. Not that it wasn't an intriguing thought, but you see, my church has a stronger leader, one who will not be swayed by whatever way the political wind is blowing. Our church is led by the Holy Spirit, who leads our preachers to preach the unalterable word of God, without fear or favor!
So, just because we now have a Republican president, and a Democratic congress does not change what " Thus sayeth the Lord"! I don't know what sort of nonsense was being handed down to those preparing to go to church this morning, while listening to the Today show,because after hearing that piece of stupidity, I just turned it off. I can only hope that those who did listen were not shaken,and I certainly hope that no preachers, pastors, teachers, or evangelists were taken in by this bit of tomfoolery either. It's a sad state of affairs when a supposed "News" program begins to fiddle about with the Gospel coming forth from the pulpits of this nation. And I further hope that everyone who did hear this story was well grounded in the word of God, and knows that God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever,and are not blown about by every wind of doctrine that seeks to undermine our faith.
I am sure that most Christians went to church, and had a wonderful time in the Lord, no different than any other Sunday morning,last week, last month or last year. I know I did. Why should today be unusual? In my church, the election wasn't even mentioned. Why should it be? We don't walk by sight, we walk by faith.
On the other hand, if there was lots of anxious hand wringing, or wrath,worry or fearsome proclamations coming forth from your church, then perhaps it is time for you to find a new church, where the power of God is real, and the preacher knows that God is God,and God will never change,and you can trust in Him to bring you through whatever comes your way!
Posted by: OLDCATMAN | November 13, 2006 at 08:48 AM