We've been having Campmeeting! A Thanksgiving Campmeeting. A,devil chasing , sin killing, true blue, red-hot blood boiling,Jesus loving,tongue-talkin, indoor campmeeting,that started Wednesday night, and has been going on ever since! It has been totally spirit led, and all the music has been so blessed, and all the preachers who had prepared their messages in private found that they had been led to prepare their messages in sequence! Praise God!
At the invocation, just as Jimmy started to pray yesterday, a voice began speaking from the congregation, as is our way, everyone else stilled, and listened as a dear sister gave the utterance of what the Lord gave her to give,and then immediately, she translated the message, which was very simple:
"Church!" She said," Read the book of Acts, and get ready!"
And Jimmy repeated after her,"Church! Read the book of Acts, and get ready!" She said it three times, and he repeated it three times! Church! Read the book of acts, and get ready! There was no panic in her voice, or in his, but there was a sense of urgency about the message that inspired all of us, but just imagine what sort of pandemonium broke out when we learned that Jimmy's message had, as it's scriptural foundation, ACTS Chapter 1, describing the day when Jesus Commanded them to assemble themselves together, and to tarry there until they received Power, which would come not many days hence.
And then tonight, As Donnie took the Podium, he told how he had been preparing his message for the Campmeeting, and began with Acts,Chapter one, and the Holy Spirit came in and said, No! Go to Acts,Chapter 2!describing the day of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit,as Jesus promised, came as a rushing, mighty wind,and filled the room where the apostles were sitting, and filled them all with HIS spirit, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues!
And here is the beautiful thing. Neither Jimmy, nor Donnie knew what the other one was planning as their message for yesterday or today! However, both bore down on that word of knowledge from the Lord, "Read the book of ACTS, and get ready!" But God knew....The Holy Spirit knew....and so many came forward to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the service ran an hour over,and nobody noticed,and nobody cared! Oh my Lord, what a time we had! People were singing and praising God, dancing in the spirit, weeping and crying and laughing, getting their in-filling of the Holy Spirit...It is hard to adequately describe a scene such as this, but once you have participated in one, you' ll never forget it, and you will always be hungry for more. The sound is so harmonious, so splendid, and everyone comes out of it with such beaming faces,moist with happy tears,all their cares and worries and pain lifted away from them,filled to overflowing with the Joy of the Lord.
And the best part of this is, God's just getting started! He said, Read the book of Acts, and get ready! Well, common sense would tell you he didn't mean for tonight! There wasn't time to read the book of Acts! So here is the message for the entirety of the Church!
Church! Read The Book Of Acts,And Get Ready! I Don't know what he is going to do, but you know it's going to be Big!
God is getting ready to move, and he has now given us our marching orders!
Get Ready,Get Ready! Get Ready!