There was no actual planning involved. Not really. It just so happened that Yon son's wife was in town. Then her shut-down time occurred. And then Sherry was able to come and spend Sunday with us, and a party, of sorts, just... broke out! It was odd really: none of us here at the house had had enough sleep,between working and taking care of cooking and cleaning before folding in the middle and crashing for a two or three hour nap;and then getting back up to run a couple loads of laundry, putting a meal on the table and then crashing for another two hours before going back to work, by the time Sunday came around,and Sherry was expected to spend the afternoon and evening. we were all just a bit punchy. But we just couldn't postpone our get together again,because She's family,and she has been going without seeing a friendly face, or having a decent meal for a very long time, and we have been going without seeing her, and we all missed one another!
So, as sleep deprived as we were, and a little weary, we pulled together, and Yon son trimmed out a nice round steak, and chunked it up for pepper steak, and threw it in the crock pot in the morning. We straightened up the house,and by the time morning services were about to start...Yon son was crashing, but Wifey and I tuned in anyway, and set up our tape (audio) to tape the service. It was fabulous,however, as soon as it was over, I was crashing, so I went to nest, and she stayed up to play on the computer, until it was almost time for Sherry to be picked up,and then Yon and I were both duely called, and Wifey-poo went, revved up her Semi..(bob-tail) to go fetch her. That gave Yon and I time to pull ourselves together, dress and polish for our company. Well,It all began so grandly! As she came in there were hugs and kisses all around, and lots of catching up stories as we settled in with drinks and comfortable seating all round the oval kitchen table. I had managed to brush my hair, brush my teeth, scrub my face and neck, moisturize, and put on my eyebrows,and with my curling iron, I put two curls in my hair. Just as I finished up those two curls, I stopped,and caught Yon's eye. " I've got two curls done." said I, " What do you want to bet, Sherry catches me with just two curls?" It wasn't a minute later, Sherry came through the door! So, mixed in with all the hugging and kissing, there was a lot of laughter as well, because, let's face it, Yon cannot keep a funny to himself...and Sherry loves to "catch" me a little undone. But I was a sport about it, and went right on and finished the front and top of my hair, and did the sides,and let the back and the ends go hang, rather than spend another half-hour or more finishing up my hair.
Moving right along, Yon brought out his wonderful squash soup, with a flourish,and tho his little wife was dubious about even tasting it, we all encouraged her, and she ended up having two bowls of it! The rest of the pepper steak was added to the crock-pot,and we migrated into the dining room for the evening service,totally satisfied for the moment,so there was no need for any sort of snacks to munch while we waited for the services to start. Of course, by the time the realization set in that we were well over an hour too early for church, Wifey's laptop was brought out,and both computers were set up to play games. What a hoot! We played, we laughed, we talked, we all took turns and Sherry was just in her glory with all these wonderful new games to play, and she was just winning and winning! Now we were all drinking diet soda, but you never would have convinced anyone of that had they been listening in! There was such humor flying around that by the time we left the games behind and dug out our Bibles, we were still joking and laughing. Well, we got through circumspectly, although I'm not sure how, because once Sherry gets all giddy and silly, everything she says is hysterically funny! All I can say about our behavior during church was, I am glad that God has a sense of humor.But finally, when our guest preacher read the scriptural passage as the foundation of his message...after a brief interval of muttered grumblings that it wasn't Jimmy or Donnie preaching, we did settle, I must be honest...I settled down and tried to listen and glean some knowledge and inspiration from the message. Strangely, he used the same passage that Donnie had used that morning, Acts, Chapter 1,beginning with the first word of the first verse. He was talking about Pentecost...the first infilling of the Holy Spirit,and how important it is for Christians to be filled with the Spirit, with which I heartily agree. Without the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing that pleases God. Un fortunately, this dear Brother was a little new, and a little nervous, and I am just glad that we were attending church in my dinning room and not in the Sanctuary, because my unruly little bunch was wound up like an eight day clock, and instantly tuned into the fact that this guy was not as focused and certain how to present his material, as Jimmy or Donnie would have been. For example, he had the back-up references, but he jumped around in his presentation so quickly, and so often, that Sherry and the kids got tickled. He mentioned this fellow who wrote this small book on the topic of the Holy ghost revival in Wales, and in the next breath, he was on the Azusa street revival. I could see where he was going with it, but Sherry and company were totally lost, saying " what has the revival in California got to do with Whales?" Well, it all went downhill from there. By the time the preacher made the altar call, I felt very blessed by the evenings service, but I suspect that the others in attendance were just glad to have the service draw to a close. Yet, Wifey did express interest in the free booklet offered, in how to receive the holy Spirit, so I dashed off an email to request it for the household, and then went off-line so we could have dinner. Everyone who wasn't still too full from the soup then enjoyed the pepper steak, and Yon son crashed for a two hour nap, and things settled back down to a dull roar. And about an hour later, it happened. Sherry had been kiting around, trying to help me out, since Yon had gone to bed, and all of a sudden, down she went. She has a nerve problem in her left leg, called Neuropathy, and it completely went out on her and let her down, and she hit the deck just between the dining room table,and my oxygen concentrator that sits next to my bedroom door. She hit hard, with a dull Thud,and Wifey and I instantly came to her side.Once she was able to regain her footing, and sit up in a chair, my original response of calling Yon son and having the kids take her to the hospital was shot down, but then when she moved back to her own seat, she started to fall again, and if it hadn't been for Wifey's quick reaction of grabbing her by the back of her shirt,and pulling her into the chair,while I sat helplessly in front of her chair, in my wheelchair,no doubt she would have landed on the floor again!
That brought the party to an abrupt end, as Yon was summarily called,and informed that they had to take Sherry to the hospital! Ever the gracious guest, as she was being hauled out the door with one of my kids on either side of her, Sherry assured me that she had had a wonderful time, and we must do it again, real soon! I know she was in a lot of pain, and her leg was obviously swelling by this time...which was one of the deciding factors of whether or not to send her to the hospital. Now to my mind, that is the height of graciousness, to thank your hostess for arranging a wonderful time, just as your being hauled off the hospital; but it didn't end there. Once to the hospital,they all knew I would still be awake, hovering near the phone, waiting for news,and so they called me about an hour later, just to let me know that Sherry had just been taken down to x-ray,but that the doctor's theorized that she had just incurred a bad sprain. I breathed deeper knowing this, and from the tone of their voices I could tell that Sherry was being her ever cheerful and friendly self, and having been informed that they had already administered something for her pain, she could be counted upon to be joking and keeping the kids and the staff at the hospital totally entertained. As I watched the kids drive away with her earlier I had whispered a prayer for her, and them, and so as I hung up the phone, I followed that up with another prayer of thanks to the father,and a while later, the evenings events seemed to play back in my mind, and then I got"God chastises those he loves!" I understood instantly what the Holy Spirit was telling me,and why. Up until that point, I had been feeling just awful about the fact that I had asked too much of my friend, in having her come out, when she should have been at home resting. Or, at the very least, allowing her to be up fetching ice for my cup,which was her idea, or to bring me something from the kitchen table...a Benadryl pill, which was my idea. With understanding comes an awe and a wonder at the Father's total care of us. He imparted that knowledge to me, not so that I would say anything to Sherry or the kids about it, but so that I wouldn't take on a guilt to the matter over which I had no control, thereby raising my blood pressure, or my worry factor. And, so that when I told this story, as he seemed to be impressing me that I should, by bringing it back to mind again and again, that I stress this point above all else. As Christians, we are not perfect. We all do things that are sometimes inappropriate, unwise, or foolish. We are all works in progress. But when we catch ourselves being un-Christlike, we have an advocate with the Father; Christ himself, to whom we can turn, and ask forgiveness, and then he can turn to the Father, and say, I died for her/him/them,and God is faithful and just to keep his promise to forgive us.
Oh yes. I think I can say without reservation that the Sunday night service will stand out in my mind for a very long time. I learned a lot, once again!
Blessed ! the name of the Lord!
Posted by: OLDCATMAN | October 31, 2006 at 05:29 PM