1.There is a song that goes," Bring all your needs to the altar",and so, knowing what I know, I go to my on line church at least three times a week. Twice on Sunday, and then again on Wednesday night, for Bible study. No matter what mood I may be in when I go in, I know I will leave shouting the praises of God!
2.The music they begin with brings us into the presence of the Lord,and the preachers are all spirit filled, and give us the message we need to hear to be saved, sanctified, and justified,to be lifted up. Tonight was no different! Except when they sang about : "You can hear the rush of angel's wings, there's a smile on every face, " It's like I actually thought I could hear Angel's wings,and such a sense of peace came over me,and has remained with me, right up to now.It is such a beautiful thing, I don't ever want it to stop!
3.With all the assorted physical problems I have had over the years, the one thing I was most thankful for was, I never had any problem sleeping . But, in the last couple of months, that has changed as well. I've begun waking up about every two to three hours. Sometimes just to visit Mrs.Murphy,but also in need to take pain pills as well, more often than not. Now, we all know that after a period of this goings on, with no chance for deep sleep, one begins not hitting on all cylinders. Now God knows what our problems are before we name them, but he still wants to be involved in everything that bothers us. So, I have been seeking the Lord on this issue everytime the doors of the church opened, so to speak, and starting last Sunday, I have noticed I've been sleeping a more every time. Whether it was going to bed for the night, or just when I would go lay down for a nap.Praise God, I have received my healing! And only God knows what else he has in store for me! Lord knows I am a work in progress,and as I grow spiritually, who can tell what else he plans to heal? I must admit there is a chance that he will leave that "thorn in my side" as he did Paul, for his own reasons,But even then, I shall still always thank him for this miracle!