1.In spite of arguments to the contrary, I instigated the change over of the huge air conditioning unit being taken out of the living room window and taken to storage on Saturday,just because something told me it was time to do it. On Sunday we got the forecast for the week...80 on Sunday,70 on Monday,and each proceeding day less and less Warmth and sunshine. Thursday it is predicted we will have rain mixed with snow, and a hard freeze...29 degrees, by Friday morning! All up and down the street, others are now scrambling to accomplish what we completed on Saturday.
2.Molly is, in that now she has her windows back to lounge in and sun herself,and sniff the breeze, which she has yowled about all summer. It's such a homey feeling to smell leaves being burned, that I have to agree with her that having the windows open to the fresh air is a wonderful thing.
3.It's a perfect time of day. My work for now is done,my loved ones sleeping safely in their beds, and I have some quiet time to read scripture, to drift and dream and think about the words I've read, and to glance out the kitchen window, where now the leaves that cluttered up my view of the avenue have gone to the ground, and I can see it when a familiar vehicle turns the corner towards my street, in time to put the kettle on for a cup of tea for a guest,come for a visit.