And personally, I say it's about time! It is also my understanding that the rest of the fashion world is following suite! Well, Hallelujah! For this is good news! No longer must a model starve herself to be considered worthy to drape the latest outfits upon her body and sashay up and down the old catwalk. It had to happen, of course, considering there is way too much hunger...lamentable, pitiful, legitimate... hunger going on in the world today!
I cannot help but hope and pray that this is the beginning of a good trend towards a more healthy attitude regarding food in America. Every time I see the pictures of those skinny women on the red carpet, and the next thing I see is another plea for help for starving women and children in another country, and I can't help it, I am embarrassed to be part of the most well fed, affluent country on the face of the earth, and yet, we have women intentionally starving themselves to death, in the midst of plenty.
To my way of thinking, it would be a real eye-opener for each and every one of those women with "eating disorders" to take a trip to Africa, and see what it is that they are trying to look like...famine victims! Maybe they wouldn't be so blase` about turning down a decent meal,but be moved to whip out that checkbook,and kick in some of that dough they would ordinarily spend shopping on rodeo drive, to provide some clean water and other nourishment to folks who really need it, and wouldn't even THINK of upchucking just to stay looking like a bag of bones! Being skinny is not a sign of wealth! It is a sign of poverty and want! When are they going to get that through their heads?
Hey! I can remember reading comic books that had advertising in the back pages, reading:" Are you too skinny?" This was accompanied by a sketch of a scrawny woman,that, years later looked astonishingly like Kate Moss! It went on to read; "Try wate-on! It works!" This was accompanied by another sketch of the same woman, but now she had a fuller, more rounded figure, strongly resembling Marlyn Monroe, surrounded by men.
To me, this was a sign of the times. We had just come out of two world wars and a depression when I was born. Women were still in the process of overcoming the lack of good food, and the lasting effects of malnutrition.I can remember stories my mother would tell us of what it was like living through those times, buying boxes of crackers and big cans of coffee, and saving up their butter to fill in those times when there was no food, and having only coffee and butter and cracker sandwiches to eat for weeks on end! And now, here we are listening to shrinks talking about eating disorders! What a bunch of bunk! lack of hunger would be an eating disorder. But these chicks eat, and then intentionally throw it back up! They just need someone to insist they put the food in their mouth, chew and swallow, and then leave it there, instead of making excuses for them!
And maybe. Just maybe, the men who think that skinny women are attractive will get a mental overhaul too. But I doubt it. Men find it far easier to dominate a woman who is underweight, thin and light,so they can pick them up and push them around, and laugh at their resistance. Where, if they have to deal with a strong healthy woman with some meat on her bones,they find they have to deal with them with old fashioned logic and talking, rather than just loom over them with that, "I'm bigger than you are" attitude.
So, what do you think ? Let's talk!