Once again we have politicians stumping around, criss-crossing the state, the country, and shaking hands and presenting their points of view. You know what?
I don't care!
Once again, we have ex-presidents carrying on about who did what, and what they would have done, but so and so didn't do it right and I would have taken care of it. Congressmen and senators and representatives all shouting their points of view,and pounding the table and making strong statements and wild accusations, and you know what?
I don't care!
He did it this way, and I would have done it that way, and why wasn't he where he should have been,all starts to make my head ache and reverberate in my ears, because those with the loudest voices and the most to declare starts to sound just like the other guy he's shouting about, and nobody seems to be able to get anything done, because they are so busy telling you how they would have done it better, quicker, and smarter, and once they get into office, they are no better, and no worse than anybody else. Six months down the road after the elections, when all is said and done, and the new whoevers are installed in office, they will find out that what was being said was true, that you can't just walk in and snap your fingers and change everything,and that ex-presidents should just shut up and go away because they had their chance and didn't make any lasting change either, and the junior senators and representatives will have a rude awakening, thinking they are hot stuff, until they get to their new offices and find out they haven't the power they thought they were going to have,and unless they are a real ball of fire, about the time they get acclimated to the new job, it will be time for another election, and unless they were able to impress somebody, they will be gone anyway, so
I don't care!
Oh, yes, I am going to vote my conscience. I always do. And, I hope the people I vote for get elected. But, if they don't, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.Because when you come right down to it, everyone who finds themselves in the State Capital, or the Nation's Capital isn't there because they are any better than anyone else. Very simply put, they are there, because that is where the Lord wanted them to be. That is why I pray for our leaders, everyday,asking God to lead them, to keep us safe,and on the right track. See, I don't put my trust in any man or woman who runs for, and gains the office. I put my trust in God, because he's the one in charge,and it is to him I turn now, asking that he guide the ones who govern us. Because you see, it doesn't matter what the person's name is, or how they came to be where they are, what laws they try to write and enact. If they are scoundrels, that will come out,and then they will be out of a job. The laws will either be voted in, or come to nothing. It doesn't matter either way, because the Law cannot save you,or our country. Only God can heal our land, not laws. If you doubt my word, you have only to look about you,and see the havoc taking place in our country right now. School shootings. There are plenty of laws against such things. Have they made any difference? No! Nor will they! Satan is roaming the streets, like a raging lion, seeking whom he may devour, because he knows he has such little time left! And the only thing that is going to stop him, is those who know the Lord seek his face, and earnestly pray that the Lord intervene in these attacks,and stop them, and heal our land.
And that is why I say, I don't care about the elections! It's just another distraction to what is really going on!
Pray People! Pray that a merciful God will hear our collective voices, and stop these attacks on our children, and upon our land!